Tree Tuesday | The green seach engine 🌳

Ecosia plants trees for you searching the internet

As I noticed the steemit community loves trees and is very active on the internet too.
So this might interessts you! #TreeTuesday

Ecosia is a search engine that works just like google, duckduckgo, bing and all the other ones. They let you browse the internet and show ads to you. But instead of using the generated money for their own profit, ecosia plants trees in different places of the world!

But why trees?

Trees absorb CO2, which is one of the main drivers of climate change. Larger forests can even create clouds, which then reflect the sunlight and cool our planet.

Forests are the most diverse systems on land with millions of species out of which many have not even been discovered and analyzed yet.

Trees protect the soil from erosion and they create productive and fertile land. If you cut down trees, you will very soon end up with a desert.

Trees create oxygen, which we need to breathe. They also clean the air by absorbing pollutant gases and filtering out particulates.

Forests provide us with healthy food and lots of other products, which can be sustainably harvested. Worldwide the livelihood of 1.6 billion people depends on forests.

Forests regulate the watercycles and prevent floods. They create moisturous microclimates and increase groundwater levels. They act like a β€œsponge” and therefore prevent droughts.

How can I use it?

Just go to their website and use the search engine like you would use google. In addition you can install a browser plugin for more comfort.

In my experience the search results are very good and the ads not anoying at all. Please try it at least out and make your own opinion on it. If you like it, feel free to resteem and upvote this post. Thank you so much :)

Have a wonderful day everyone πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

(Source of the pictures and some of the text is, check them out for more information about the project)

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