What Water to drink- Part 1- (EcoTrain)

What water to drink (PART 1) ?

Water remains one of the greatest mystery in this Universe.
It always fascinated me. When I started to discover, about 15 years ago, the magic of water, I started to give lectures and workshops about it. To show everyone that Water is a mirror of our consciousness.

The quantity of water we drink is really important, obviously as we are made of water, and that the level of hydration we have makes us healthy or not.

But what do we mean by quality of water ?

Quality is about the type of information the water contains.

As we drink water, we absorb information from it, we become this information.

Many years ago, with Benveniste, a French scientist, and Victor Schauberger, from Austria discovered the memory of water.

Water remembers. Everything it has been exposed to. Water is a library of thought, emotions, energies, colors, shapes… It’s like a mirror that constantly changes by reflecting its environment, but that holds as well memories for sometimes long period of time.

So here are few facts and suggestions that I always share with my students. Don’t believe me blindly, check it out by yourself, experiment, listen to your guts, intuition and feel.. Then you’ll know if you resonate with what I share.

  1. Water can be dead or alive.
    Dead water contains useless information to support life. It lost its prana, chi or life force.
    How does this happen ? Either by being stagnant for a while, like in a tank or bottle, or by going through a straight line for more than few meters, like in a hose. It means, like you realize now, that most of the water we use is dead.
    In nature, water remains most of the time alive. It flows, as it feels, it spirals, spins and moves freely. It’s fresh, almost cold as the optimal temperature for water is 4 degres Celsius.

Remember the last time you drank water from a mountain spring, during a walk or a trek, remember how it felt, how energized you felt…and remember when you drink tap water in a city. Remember how dull and void it feels.

  1. Water holds information. If it was in contact with poisons (chlorine, fluoride, heavy metals, bleach..), it holds unhealthy information for life. If it was flowing in nature, surrounded by wild beauty, it holds a lot of life force.

  2. You can change the information the water holds. How ? Either by sending a new information to it, by writing, speaking, praying, singing, exposing it to shapes, colors, pictures, or by helping it to move through a vortex. Water loves vortexes. Like in a river, where suddenly a whirlpool appears, and disappear. This is the way water resets its information, back to their original blueprint.

  3. You become the water you drink. You are probably familiar with Masuru emoto’s pictures of frozen water crystals. You can check his website. www.masaru-emoto.net/english/water-crystal.html
    This Japanese scientist was freezing drops of water, after exposing them to words, music, shapes, pictures, places.. then in a cold chamber, as the drops were slowly melting, he was taking pictures of the crystals they were forming. Like snowflakes. Remember what they told you at school. Each snow flake is unique. As are each water crystals. So with 100 pics of the same water of 100 different water drops exposed to the same information, he would select the most representative picture and publish it, as a landmark for an information.

He discovered that many beautiful words, intentions, musics, pictures would generate beautiful crystals, and that negative or harmful informations will generate blur and undefined crystals.

So the more structured the water you drink is, the more structured you become.
If you choose harmonic, healthy information, you become what you drink, so you invite harmony within your cells. And if you drink non defined water, you bring confusion to your cells. And your cells are made of more than 90% of water.

This is called the law of resonance. Water resonates. It’s using what we call zeta potential, which is the ability of cells to exchange information between them.

  1. The water you drink will influence your health, your vitality, your thoughts, emotions, habits, your mood…Everything. It may energize you and you may feel amazing ! or you may feel tired and confused. The thing is that we drink water all the time.
    image water crystals.jpg
  2. Here are few myths about water :

To drink lot of water is good. True for alive water but to drink a lot of dead water will harm your kidneys as they will not be able to assimilate dead water. It will be treated as a foreign body.

Once water is dead, you cannot revive it. Yes you can !! and I will show you how I do it. But you will have first to filter it, as most of the easy access magic cannot remove physical poisons from the water. Therefore, a good water filter is necessary, mostly if you live in a city where they poison it everyday.

Mineral water is good for you..Ah AH..so in any biology course, it is explained that you cannot assimilate minerals from water. Why ? because we are made to use minerals from the plants, from vegetables. Animals don’t absorb stuff from mineral kingdom, only from vegetals.
So the hoax from marketing telling you that bottled mineral water is good for you is a joke ! One more…

These minerals will actually end up in your arteries..and they will clog them.. Not so good…
If you decide to drink mineral water, you should drink the least mineralized water, the one with the smallest numbers.. To get some information, but not to clog your arteries. Anyway, it’s dead water.

In a next post, I will explain you what I recommend to drink alive water, that will change your life and health, that your plants in your garden will enjoy too !

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