An interesting encounter of a special kind

Hey guys,

last Friday I had a very interesting meeting and also the chance to make a new friend :D

I was busy catching bugs out of a small pond when I was noticing a big bird landing right behind me.
This cawing lead me to turn around and would you believe it, there was a magpie :D

At the beginning I didn’t pay much attention to it and just kept fishing so to speak. But that might have led to the bird’s raising curiosity. After just a few seconds it flew right next to me on the climbing trellis, not more than about 40 cm/15 inches away from me, this is also the place and time the pictures were taken. At first it was sitting one level above me and it was trying to get my attention by twitching at a branch right above its head, after a second cawing he succeeded and got my attention, I greeted it and promptly received and answer :)

I’ve kept fishing for another 2-3 minutes while talking to the magpie, sadly I didn’t quite understand it, but it did answer and was also very curious xD After I was done I assumed that it would fly away, once I take my leave and turn to it directly, also the reason why I didn’t bother making cautious movements or something like that.
But gladly the bird kept sitting and after some close mutual inspection I was sure that it wasn’t afraid. So I thought I should get it something nice to eat and also my mobile, the reason why and how the pictures were taken, otherwise nobody would have believed me anyway ^^

At first I remembered those fresh picked raspberries, so I brought him some and I stretched my hand out and at first it got a bit panicked… until it realised that there is something on my hand. So panic became calmness and curiosity and it started snacking on those raspberries, and as you can see, piece by piece :D

We kept looking at each other for some time and he took his leave by cawing and flying to the neighbour’s roof. Because of my curious nature I went on the balcony and took a look at the roof. There it sat with another magpie and they were busy ‘talking’ with each other. After one of them made an indescribable and weird movement (I have absolutely no idea how to describe it!) and some cawing they went their way.

But they weren’t just gone, actually they were sitting on a cherry tree nearby and they were watching me. Due to the fact that I had some pigeon feed from Madame Alfredo left I thought I could give it a try, but I couldn’t get them to another face to face, but they did remember where I left the feed since it was gone last morning :D

Well, here are some pictures :D

#1 Right after panic became calmness and curiosity :)




I only have those 4, I was just to fascinated by the situation and I didn’t want to stare at a screen but I think they turned out ok :D

It really was a beautiful moment :)
I do hope that this short story brought you joy and I’d love to know if you had similar encounters :)?

Some information about the magpie:

Thanks for your interest.


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