The Azaleas And The Pines In Cheongryeongpo Area

I read a comment request me the photos of the flowers taken in Cheongryeongpo.
So I'd like to post on the flowers and the trees in this time.

With help from my friends, I dare to challenge to take the photos of flowers and pines among specialists.

First missions was azaleas. 🌸
My friend showed me how to use backlight in flower photo.
I did several times and finally succeeded in mission.


I found azaleas through the pines





It was not easy job to taking the photos. I needed to wait for the exact time for photos.

Second mission was the exposure.

Below was my job.


Wind made the azaleas dancing actively.

Next mission was the pines. Pines were not easy subject to take the photos.
I did several tries.

I tried to take the photos of the pines with the background of the sky
But it was not easy due to the sunlight.


Next try was the trunks of the pines.




Last try was the shadows of the pines


It snowed again, when returning from Cheongryeonpo.


It seemed that the spirit of the poor dead King Danjong told us to deliver his eternal love for his queen.

Always sad love story made me cry until now.

While taking the photos, the sad story of King Danjong did not leave from my mind.

Thank you for reading

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