Why we need whales to save the planet (Take 5 minutes to watch this!) Ecotrain

"When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe." - John Muir

This remarkable short video describes new scientific findings into how whales are responsible for removing massive amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere every year while also increasing the populations of fish, krill, plankton and plant life in the oceans. This goes contrary to what the whaling industry would argue - that the less whales there are, the more fish there will be, because there won't be any whales to eat them. In fact, the complete opposite is true. The more whales there are, the more of all other life forms there will be.

'When whales were at their historic populations, before their numbers were reduced, it seems that whales might have been responsible for removing tens of millions of tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere every year. Whales change the climate. The return of the great whales, if they are allowed to recover, could be seen as a benign form of geo-engineering. It could undo some of the damage we have done, both to the living systems of the sea, and to the atmosphere.'

This video was created as a gift to humanity by Chris and Dawn Agnos.

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Narration: George Monbiot
Producers: Chris Agnos and Dawn Agnos
Editor and Animator: Steve Agnos

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