A Glimpse of the Butterfly House in St. Louis

One of the bonuses of living back in St. Louis is the Butterfly House. I just had to take a few pictures to share with everybody. Unfortunately I wasn't able to go into the live butterfly room today to get shots of the gorgeous creatures in there. That should happen tomorrow though, so keep an eye out for that.

One of my favorites (which I hope to see and photograph tomorrow) is the Blue Morpho. These aren't naturally around this area, only coming from Mexico, Central and South America. These are absolutely beautiful, with the deep shades of blue and are one of the largest butterflies in the world with a wing span of five to eight inches.

Outside of the building stands a 28-foot Butterfly sculpture that was just too cool to not share.

The detail, especially on the face, is so impressive!

In the lobby there are a couple of large displays with species of butterflies and what areas they are native to. I was only able to get a couple of quick shots today, but this should give you a good idea. I hope to get more pics of these tomorrow.

From what I've heard they are going to have a ton of butterflies coming out from their cocoons in the next few weeks, which should be absolutely awesome to see!

They reopen to the public in a few days (I was there helping them out) and if you come through town it's absolutely worth seeing. The costs are also rather reasonable at $8 for adults and $5 for kids. They also have dippin dots there!!

You can see the Butterfly House website by clicking here if you would like to see more.

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Image Sources:
All pictures are mine. The Blue Morpho pic was taken in 2015 when I was last there.

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