The Maddening Effects of the Full Moon


I have always been someone who is super in tune with their emotions and working in the hospitality industry subjects me to every other person's emotions as well. Over the years I have developed a personal theory that I would like to share.

First off, I am what you would call an empath, meaning I feel and am affected by other people's moods and emotions. I especially feel it when those around me are sad or agitated because I think those emotional characteristics involve more energy.

Through the years I've noticed that the vibration seems to heighten around the full moon and that I get severe mood spikes. It can be an unexpected feeling of euphoria or I can want to tell people to go to hell and get away from me.

I've developed this theory that has grown and been added to as time passes. There have probably been quite a few studies done but this is purely my own analysis and not really scientific at all. I won't even go into the popular myths perpetuated by different cultures, religions, and Hollywood.

For years I would always feel the vibe of the full moon before I actually knew for a fact it was close. Mostly, I noticed that energy and enthusiasm were always high for no reason other than it was a full moon. It's best to just relax and enjoy this time. It's the two days leading up to and the second day after a full moon that have always been my concern. Most of us know that our bodies contain water, 50 to 65% is the norm . We also know that the moon controls the tides on our little rock hurtling through space. Simply put, just do the math. If a heavenly body is controlling the water on our planet through some unseen force then a logical conclusion, in my mind, is that it would also control the water in our bodies. Seems legit. Right?

Through personal experience I've noticed that the vibration or pull starts two days before the actual full moon and the second day after is strong as well. It's best to to protect yourself emotionally on these two days. I like to think of it as a wall to ward off the possible negativity. With a bit of practice and being alert for the change in the atmosphere directly affecting you, you can let the wall down a bit to enjoy the good vibes and raise it higher to block the bad.

I'll be the first to admit that this whole thing sounds like gobbledygook and feel free to leave it there or just start paying attention and see if you notice the signs. I know I'm a bit late for the recent full moon but I was on high alert. Luckily it was a fairly benign week for me because I noticed it and had myself ready but there were a few times the negative energy tried to punch through.

I hope you enjoyed my "hypothetical theory" and you're able to remember during the next cycle. The next full moon will be on July 27th and it will also be a lunar eclipse or Blood Moon visible in Asia so it's possible you will feel a stronger vibe.

Peace and good vibes to all!

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