What is happening in the world today?

War, famine, deforestation, adverse weather conditions, life threatening illnesses and disease.

We ask ourselves why?

Yet others distance themselves from this reality, try and block it out. But we can't ignore what is happening, we are all connected this effects us all.

We need to change what we can in our own lives, live more in harmony with the earth.

We live in a time where we have become obsessed with cleanliness. In order to keep ourselves and our homes clean we are in fact dirtying our environment. We are using products that are polluting the rivers and streams, that our damaging the ozone. These same products are toxic to us, to our families. We are willingly bringing poison into our homes.

But we have a choice we can use natural ingredients, these toxic products have not been around that long. We need to go back to what people used before. We need to start using vinegar, water and essential oils as an all round cleaner. Use tea tree oil as an antibacterial. Going through all these alternatives is in itself another post . There are so many natural options out there, we do not need to clean ourselves with toxic products. There are so many people out there making amazing natural creams, soaps etc.

We also put chemicals, pesticides into the soil, and on to our food. We see green spaces in cities and towns being sprayed with more chemicals. We eat that food, allow our children to play in those spaces and yet the workers who spray the crops, the grass are dressed like this!

Why would we want to eat that food? I know it is cheaper, but we should not put a price on our health, on the earth. The effects that all these toxins are having on us on the environment is huge. We need to eat more organic food, start to produce our own. Even if you live in a small space you can grow some food, even if a balcony is your only outdoor space you can quite easily build a vertical garden out of pallets or bottles, both I have done in the past.

Look at our homes, so much energy is put into making a home. We prepare our food there, shelter ourselves and our families, we care for one another in our homes. Yet our homes are full of toxic furnishings, decor, appliances and I have already talked about the cleaning products. Our flooring, our insulation contains harmful VOC's , which are being released into the air and are slowly poisoning us. This is not what a home is meant to be.

We used to all live in natural abodes and now alot of people live in huge concrete buildings that are poisoning them, because they see these houses as a sign of their wealth. But really it is costing them their health. How far we have come, to end up doing this to ourselves. But their are alternatives, their are choices.

So many people on steemit are proof of a way that we can live that can benefit us greatly and in doing so also benefit the earth. Some of those amazing people are:
@markwhittam, @eco-alex, @schoonercreek,@mountainjewel, @wwf, @purplemoon, @squdsi1,@sustainancy, @canadianrenegade, @bobydimitrov, @ecoinstant, @gardenbsquared . These are just the ones I know and I am sure there are many more, check out their blogs and be inspired.


The best solution from my point of view is Permaculture.

Permaculture is the harmonious integration needed, it is the conscious way of thinking.

It is all about change and flow and being present.

It is letting nature take us by the hand and guide us.

Whatever needs to be done, we are the people to do it!


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