Lessons we can learn from Nature

I love spending time in nature, i make most of the time to be there or at least whenever i can and why not.
Away from humans, their hashtags, gossips and all kind of world noises , one finds peace with the soul, a sweet solitude, which rejuvenates the soul. One must definitely try it

These are some of my moments which i want to share with you and some interpretation of it, which might not be right but just my opinions.

Sunset/Sunrise : There are always endings and new beginnings


Our life consists of events, things which we cannot control. There are good phases and bad phases
But only constant factor is that they end, only to form new beginnings
Either we can brood over something which already happened or we can just witness it as a life's play as we just witness the beautiful sunset or sunrise

Stronger the roots , the stronger you can face the storm


As the stronger trees have deep roots, even we got roots in the form of thoughts which we speak to our ourselves. They form basic roots of our personality, they define us. In short it becomes our character
Our characters determine how we react to the situations in our life.

Good and bad compliment each other


As much as i love the greenery of this place, i despise seeing the dryness on this place but its during the summer. It's part of a cycle without this there wont be rain. If i had always witnessed the greenery and never the opposite of it, then i would never have appreciated greenery
good and bad are like balance in our life, it exist, one cannot avoid other. Without it there would be no meaning of good

Sharing is caring


Nature gives us a lot and we are infinitely ungrateful for it but it still gives.
This is the quality one should adapt from the nature, help and share the goodness with others, even if they don't realize it, share because you care. Because there is much goodness is needed in this world.
What if nature becomes selfish like us ?

Beauty exists, only if we seek it

Whenever you got time be still and look at the twilight sky
If it's at night, then look at the stars or a moon
Nature has a beautiful way of showing how pleasing and tremendous it is
There's lot more to explore and so much to experience but we are stuck with our egoistic mind and closed beliefs making our world small.

Thank you for reading! Hope you guys enjoyed it, if you do then send me one million dollars :D

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