Woke Up To The Smell Of Something Burning

It smelled a little like someone burning garbage but it was 2:30 AM. I worried that our upstairs roommate might have thrown a hot ashtray into the garbage before going to bed so I got up to see if I could find the source of the burning odor. It did not get any worse as I neared the stairs, that seemed like a good sign. It got a LOT worse when I got to the porch, and when I stepped outside there was no doubt: Forest fires.

The moon was blood red, even a few stars had taken on the color of flame. The wind was whipping, and carrying on it the strong smell of fire. I turned on the computer and tried to see where the fire was, and there are three fairly near us. I suspect, due to the wind direction, that the Rattlesnake fire was responsible for the smoke we were being covered in.

I managed to get a few more hours sleep although I never sleep well when I can smell something burning. This morning I wandered out to see how the world looked.

Sunrise Through The Smoke
All smoky photos taken this morning with Fuji FinePix S8300
(I am going to post some older pics for comparison, they may have been taken with another camera and / or by @fishyculture)

Taken from the other side of the barn about a month ago

The Mountains To The East - Still Visible

What they looked like just a few days ago

Hitt And Cuddy Mountains Have Gone Into Hiding

Same scene last week

The Fire Is To The Northwest, The Smoke Is Thick That Direction

From this spring, still a bit of snow on Cuddy!

I wish everyone in the path of these and all the fires the very best, it is a tough time of year in the west.

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