Needlework Monday - ‘Project Warm A Soul’ - Community Project #2!


I know this Winter we have had a few days where the temperatures reached below freezing. I remember being outside and rushing back to my car from the grocery store. I said to myself,

those that are living outside with no home are in danger of this freezing weather.

I began to get this overwhelming feeling that I had to do something, even if it’s just to help one person stay a little warmer.


Today I want to present to you our #NeedleworkMonday Community Project #2 for February called ‘Project Warm A Soul’. This project will be for those of us that live in the colder climates and are experiencing the Winter season. We will make a scarf to give away to someone in need. When you are finished with the scarf you attach a note with a message on it like the sample above. You then take it outside to an area you think someone in need will find it and wrap it around a tree or a pole for their taking :)

When someone finds your handmade scarf not only will it warm their body but it will warm their soul knowing someone took the time to think of their need. If it’s found and taken by someone that doesn’t need it, hopefully they will give it to someone that does. Or you could personally hand it off to someone.

This time around instead of waiting for a certain day to post about the scarf you made, you can post it as soon as you are finished. The goal is to get them out while it is still cold weather (sometime during the month of February) so we don’t want to prolong this. You can use whatever skill you have to create a scarf whether it be sewed, crocheted, knitted, quilted, etc. If you plan to participate in this community project please let me know below.

When #NeedleWorkMonday first got underway we were mainly crocheters, knitters and seamstresses. Now that we are expanding we have a wider variety of crafts being shared. I do want to make sure everyone that wants to participate in these projects gets a chance to. So @crystalize and myself are putting our heads together to come up with ways where we ALL can give using our skills and not just only certain crafters. We do not plan on hosting a community project every month just ever so often. So stay tuned, more info on that to come later :)


As you can see my scarf is not complete. I just started on it yesterday so that I could use it as an example for this post. When you are choosing the color for your scarf be mindful to be neutral since we won’t know which gender will find it. Thus the reason I decided to go with orange. I decided to do a basic DC stitch instead of a fancy one because I know it will work up fast. However you create yours is your choice. The end goal is to keep someone warm~

’Project NICU Warmth’

I am so excited about seeing the hats tomorrow that you all created for our first community project ‘Project NICU Warmth’! It’s just a great feeling knowing we can contribute to the needs of others by using our handmade skills. I’m looking forward to giving my hats away to these fighting babies and their families. 🤗

~All photos are my own and were taken with our Cannon EOS Rebel T6~

I want to thank each and every one of you for being here and participating in this weekly initiative! I can’t express how much this has made my Steemit journey even more fun and exciting! I am really enjoying seeing each of your talents every week and viewing the Amazing creations you all share every Monday!!! I LOVE this Community! ❤️



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