I BOUGHT NEO at $15 - WINNER! Why I See NEO at $100 Before The 4th Quarter



I'm really impressed by NEO and its transformation from Antshares. I started doing research on NEO about 2 weeks ago and was convinced that this is a coin I wanted to hold. I don't and won't ever get in the habit of advising anyone what to do with their investments but I'm sure willing to tell you what I'm doing.

NEO today hit $41 at a 24 hour high. $41 DOLLARS!!!! The coin is currently up over 220% in the last week! AMAZING!

I bought it just a few days ago and $15 and I shouldn't have waited that long. The back story of this coin is solid. It's seeing widespread acceptance in China and the team and fundamentals of this coin are also solid. Speculators like @mikev are thinking that this coin could be headed to $400 before the end of year. REALLY?

Listen guys, all of crypto is a win right now. Some will be winning more than others as liquidity pours in from the sidelines and other markets. Just last night while I was sleeping the entire market cap of crypto currencies increased by over 1 billion dollars. THAT IS HUGE! Most of you have probably seen the article and seen other reports about hedge funds seeing overwhelming demand for cryptos in customer portfolios. https://news.bitcoin.com/hedge-funds-investing-in-cryptocurrencies-exploding-62-in-pipeline/
Money is pouring in and all will be winners. Some winners will be bigger than others and eventually coins that really don't do anything will fall to the side.

It's an exciting time for cryptos and I have been checking my holdings more than a couple times a day and everytime, I'm just like, "WOW"!

EOS.... I'm buying and watching this one close. Its affordable and I like it. I think this is going to be a winner as well.

I'm just a homesteader living off the grid in the woods. If I can do it...anyone can!

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