Netflix Aus : My top 5 fave docos

I love docos. I love that I can learn something without having to read.

I figured this out when I was in Primary School and we were told to watch TV and write about what we understood of the show (comprehension exercise). That ended up being my favourite exercise in class, even better when we get tested on it lol.

From that point forward I suppose I viewed television programs as an educational tool. There's a lot to learn by watching - not just what's on TV but in life.

For me watching docos allows me to see things, understand things from another perspective and/or learn something new. Some docos open my eyes on the horrific things going on on the planet, and some docos uplift me; Most leave me with more questions while a select few give me answers.

One of the things I love about Netflix is it's wide range of documentaries. There's a lot of different topics to choose from even ones that could be considered taboo by some, ridiculous by others, entirely fascinating by me.

Here's my top 5 MUST SEE docos on Netflix.

Somebody Feed Phil

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Phil is the producer of the much loved show 'Everybody Loves Raymond". Phil is travelling the world looking for food and people to feed him.

Ok, so imagine the dry, gentle humor from the show and now imagine Raymond eating his way across the world. It's like that but more.

Phil has such a great vibe about him. The way he approaches everything with child like wonder, humor and humility makes this such an enjoyable foodie show. It's a travel foodie show featuring the best food, with the nicest guy.

I watched the series in one night.

Banking on Bitcoin

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A must see for crypto enthusiasts! Ok most of you probably know all the info already, but I didn't really and this doco helped put things together.

How Bitcoin was born, what happened to it, what's going on now. I finally figured out why those twins are such big deals.

Life's Rocky Start

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You call them rocks, I call them crystals and this doco links them to the Earth's and our evolution.

I have alwaya loved crystals but this doco makes me see them in another light and appreciate them more.


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Dr. Steven Greer, trauma surgeon turned ufologist who has devoted over 28 years to bring forth disclosure from government agencies regarding the existence of UFOs.

Now before you go close the tab, hear him out. Don't hear me out, hear him out. There's so much evidence out there about UFOs yet everyone seems to automatically ridicule the idea and the people who bring it forward.

Now why is that? Can you tell me why UFOs can't exist?

We live in a vast universe that's within it's own universe. Personally, I can't believe we are the only sentient beings alive anywhere.

History emphasizes growth and evolution learned from new information. Who's to say this is not another piece of information we haven't learned yet?

The Secret

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What is the Secret? The Secret is "The Power of Attraction".

Want to change your life? This one is for you.

I'm a believer in the power of attraction and I'm a decent manifestor. I can't do it all the time, but I can do it. And yeh I know it sounds weird but give the power of attraction a go because it really does work.

A friend of mine posted something on Facebook that really resonated.

It said something like..

"The power of attraction isnt attracting what you want. It's about attracting what you are."

That made total sense to me. It's like when you keep focusing on what you want, I feel like after some time, that focus turns into a "lack" as in youre focusing on what you dont have so therefore you'll get more of not having it.

But if you give it focus and then turn that focus on belief (so now youre not thinking of what you dont have), and you're believing and acting as if you already have it then youve got the correct breeding ground for manifesting what you really want.

Its a bit of a mind f. really. But it does work.

My long held self belief is that I'm an extremely lucky and blessed person. Good things just happen to me all the time. And they do. All the time. 😊

Even when it seems like a pile of shit. If you give it time, it ends up being fertilizer.


Do you have Netflix too? What are you watching? Pop your recommendations in the comments and I'll check them out.

Have a great Saturday Steemit!


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