Are there kiwis in the house?

Everywhere I go, whether literally or virtually, I’ll find other kiwis. No matter how obscure the location, there’s usually more than you’d expect. We New Zealanders get about.

I was on a small private Facebook group called Principia Carnivora (feel free to ask in the comments, if you’re intrigued by the name). Only a couple of hundred people – I thought for sure I’d be the only kiwi. Nope.

Sidebar for anybody outside New Zealand – we’re named for the flightless bird, not the fruit. The fruit used to be called a Chinese gooseberry, before we rebranded it kiwifruit.

Earlier this year, I was booked to travel from Las Vegas to San Francisco, then back home. It rained. This wouldn’t even be worth a mention in NZ, but in Vegas, it closed the airport for several hours. Apparently there were 15 kiwis on the flight. I met all but 3 of them when we all individually lined up at the desk, found each other, then collectively descended on the poor United Airlines employee on duty to demand rebookings.

Although we travel (or surf) to have new experiences, learn something or meet different people, we still like to gather together with our compatriots from time to time and say Gidday.

So this is a shout out to my fellow kiwis. I’ve already introduced myself to the wider Steemit community, but this is an intro for you guys. I started life in the Hutt Valley, but moved to the big smoke as soon as I turned 18 and have been a Welly girl ever since. I’ve seen most corners of our beautiful country, but Wellington is where my heart is – I can’t imagine living anywhere else.

Favourite things to do – walk, talk, sing, dance, go to movies and theatre, read, weight train, holiday in beautiful parts of the country.

Favourite holiday destinations – Kurutau on the west side of Lake Taupo, and Lake Okareka, just out of Rotorua.

When I’m not on holiday, I’m a nutrition coach and natural therapist based in Kilbirnie, Wellington.

And lastly here’s a helpful hint posted by a fellow Wellingtonian, figuring out when is the best time to post on Steemit, to get the most views. And hopefully the most upvotes…


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