[Criterion] : A deeper look into Blueprint


Back in action!

It's been a while since I last sat down and created some content for my personal account. As most of you are aware, I've been focusing heavily on @buddyup and my general engagement on Steemit has suffered.

The total honesty of the matter, it was probably 60% focus on the communities growth, 40% laziness and disengagement from myself. It's far to easy to become adamant and detached when you lack routine and structure. Without that routine, it becomes difficult to get into a good rhythm.

Luckily, I've now found my groove!

I've been considering a way to get something regular going on my account, so I can add it to my routine as another way to engage meaningfully, while also providing bags upon bags of wisdom along the way.

Have you heard of Blueprint?

There is a brilliant series out on YouTube called Blueprint which features highly successful characters in varying lengthed episodes. Every episode is packed full of value and wisdom for any individual who wants to learn about the ideals and successes of other like-minded entrepreneurs.

first episode of blueprint - visit complex here

The show is created by Noah Callahan-Bever of Complex. Below is a quote of copy from Complex's Youtube About section:

COMPLEX is a community of creators and curators, armed with the Internet, committed to surfacing and sharing the voices and conversations that define our new America. Our videos exemplify convergence culture, exploring topics that include music, sneakers, style, sports and pop culture through original shows and Complex News segments. Featuring your favorite celebrities, authoritative commentary, and a unique voice, our videos make culture pop.

I am in no way associated with Complex and I am not receiving any form of monetary incentive from them to promote/share their work. I will be sharing a certain element from their videos as a form of education and learning for others.

The idea

As I stated prior, there is something very useful within these videos which I will be sharing with you all. During the video, there are overlays of text that pop up at certain points while Noah Callahan-Bever (creator and host) interviews the various guests. These overlays represent values that the entrepreneurs hold.


source - photo by daniil kuželev

I will be highlighting all of the values from the episodes and then I'll dig a little deeper into each one. I am going to try and source books, other examples of people representing them, and I'll also share my own opinion and thoughts about the values and the people from each episode.

To make sure each post is crammed full of even more value, I will be highlighting comments from the previous post and featuring members who have been following along with the series on Steemit and on Youtube.

What's important?

We all have the capabilities to achieve great things and strive for anything we truly put our minds too, that's not news. You have probably heard this on TV, adverts, or your 'quote of the day' app. The sentence has become so detached from itself that you are probably sick of hearing it.

The important thing to note is that it's completely true.

What's missing is the mention of principles and values. These are your guiding force and the truths that you live by that keep you on the right path. The truths that help you answer your inner subconscious dialogues.

We will be exploring the principles and values of others and checking our own.

What is the difference between principles and values

End goal

I'm hoping to turn this into a great learning tool for anybody who wants to look a little deeper into what they believe, and the only way I'll be able to do that is by adapting and improving the execution over time. The end goal of the series is to bring together all of the principles and values into a list (of sorts), which highlights the importance of each one.

I'll be creating a short mission statement for the start of each post which will state what we're trying to do here and also to give credit and guidance to the Blueprints series.

Speaking of which, go and give it a watch! Get ahead of the game.

Welcome to the start of our series...


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top image: source - photo by steve halama

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