Do you adhere to your New Year Resolution or its all Bullshit?

On every New Year eve, many people make promise to change or do something that will change or add value to their lives. In reality, do they adhere to the resolution or is it a continues yearly ritual that many make -just for doing sake? Here are some funny resolutions

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I will…

Start washing my hands after I use the restroom.
Stop drinking orange juice after I just brushed my teeth.
Claim all my pets as dependents on my taxes
Switch my username to “password” and my password to “username” to make each a lot harder for hackers to figure out
Lower my bills by digging a hole to put them in.
Borrow things more often. Return then less often.
Visit the grocery more often than restaurants, especially when free samples are being served.
Buy a fire extinguisher, so that my money won’t burn a hole in my pocket.

In a more serious note, some people make great resolution and adhere to it- example, stop smoking, stop cheating , getting married ( for singles in their 40+ ) , paying off their debts, stop hating etc.
Importantly, for those who flag or beat up the weak without a good reason, will you make a resolution to stop it? , for those who are cynic / hate others for being different or having different view point, will you make a resolution to be more pluralistic and empathetic ? For those who ignore the environment and those in need and think only of wealth creation, will you make a resolution to love nature and humanity? In fact, we must be grateful for being alive , health and having enough to eat –therefore let us promise something back (no matter how small ) and adhere to it.

Do you agree? Send in your comments and please would you up vote this post in order to send in your support and resteem for others to join.

click here and see my former post: Happy Crypto New Year To You & Your Family

Important info:

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