Decipher the coded messages and get some STEEM! - Part 2


Some time ago, I created a series of cipher puzzles with a small STEEM prize for those who can solve them. Two of the eight puzzles still remain unsolved.

Decipher the encoded messages and post the decrypted message in the comments below. If you are the first to answer correctly, I'll send you the reward for that puzzle!

These puzzles require some computer literacy.

The answers are english language words. Don't post the answer unless it's a word found in Merriam-Webster!

Good luck!

Puzzle 1 - very easy - SOLVED by @markgritter

Solution can be found here

Puzzle 2 - very easy - SOLVED by @nathanielcwm

"113 117 105 120 111 116 105 99"
Solution can be found here

Puzzle 3 - very easy - SOLVED by @nathanielcwm

Solution can be found here

Puzzle 4 - easy - SOLVED by @markgritter

Solution can be found here

Puzzle 5 - easy - SOLVED by @markgritter

Solution can be found here

Puzzle 6 - medium - SOLVED by @markgritter

Solution can be found here

Puzzle 7 - medium - 0.5 STEEM


Puzzle 8 - hard - 1 STEEM


Good luck!

Old posts - these are outdated!

original post
solutions post, part 1
update post

3 columns
2 columns
1 column
1 Comment