Ork Hulk (Game 1) Finished!

Ding Dong, the Weirdboy's dead... which old Weirdboy? The headless Weirdboy!

Here we have it, ladies and gentleorks.

I'm going to call it finished, for reasons of no one beating Ciel to the Steem next turn.

You all played amazingly... coming up with ideas and strategies that I have never prepared for because I had never thought of.

Congratulations to our 2 winners:

@justatouchfey for completing the objective despite dying in her 3rd turn. The ORK KILLAH came straight back and her impact was huge.

@pandorasbox fragged the absolute bajeezus out of the weirdboy's minders after @urbangladiator ran in and got his head exploded. She was incredibly strategic with her angles - minimizing her risk but maximizing her damage. @pandorasbox only just took it out though, @pbock got very good at frags too, @happyme was an absolute monster with the Big Shoota and @urbangladiator burned 'em all.

Well done to you all, it was an absolute pleasure to have you all play.

Thoughts for the next game

Bouncing off @pandorasbox suggestions in the last game, I'm thinking of the following.

  • You're a mob of Ork Boyz attacking a human settlement.
  • The map will be the same width, but 3 times deeper with more open spaces.
  • Players will choose a type of ork to play; Weirdboy, Stormboy (jetpacks), Painboy, Mekboy, Nob, Boarboy, etc.
  • Each type will have a different bonus ability.
  • Players can also roll to get an extra piece of wargear when they start... or when they search piles of junk on the battlefield.
  • Some of the ork players will be able to move around the board quicker than others, but all players will also get an Advance move when no enemy is nearby to help get into the action quicker if they die.
  • Ork Boy types will be complementary to each other to promote strategizing and teamwork, ie, the Painboy is a healer, the Weirdboy can move others, the MekBoy can improve wargear.
  • Fog of War will be gone, the Orks will have scanners to see all the humans... but the humans will move around as they see fit to protect their STEEM cache.

I'd like to keep the rules pretty much the same as Game 1... since that's what we've learnt and are (hopefully) mostly comfortable with, but I'm also not opposed to tweaking the rules either, to make game-play more enjoyable or to introduce more decision-making for the players.

So... at this illustrious celebration of a game well played, do you have any thoughts or wishes? Was anything annoying or tedious? Was it too complex? Too simple? Is there anything you think would make it more interesting?

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