The Pirates are winning ..... I can't believe it. I look upon whats left of our battered ships and wonder is this the end ? The events of the past few days flash before my eyes. From being tied to that poll to being stranded on an island, it's been a wild couple of days.
Just as I started to lose all hope, I see a familiar site. Our allies have joined the fight. We might make it out of this battle yet. I was hoping the sight of our allies would be enough to scare the Pirate ships into retreating but I guess it was just hopeful thinking as they stand their ground and battle continues.
- Upvote this post
- You can only win one @dustsweeper account
- Contest ends on the 6th day of post creation
- You can fire one shot a day at my ship
- You can earn an extra shot for resteeming
- Extra shots given to those who discover ammunition or an airstrike
- Earn an extra shot for upvoting my comment detailing the ships that have been sunk and what prizes are left
- 1 of 5 @dustsweeper starter accounts
- 1 of 5 @dustsweeper starter accounts
- 1 of 5 @dustsweeper starter accounts
- 1 of 5 @dustsweeper starter accounts
- 1 of 5 @dustsweeper starter accounts
- A Week Of Upvotes From @johndoer123
- 100 DogeCoin
- 1 of 2 Pirates Treasure " Fools Gold " - Fire Two Shots
- 1 of 2 Pirates Treasure " Fools Gold " - Fire Two Shots
- 1 of 2 ammunition ~ Fire Three Shots At The Grid
- 1 of 2 ammunition ~ Fire Three Shots At The Grid
- You call in an air strike ~ Fire 5 shots at the Grid
See comment section for more details on prizes " Fools Gold " and " A week of Upvotes From @johndoer123"
Example On How To Play
@dustsweeper fires a shot via picking the letter A and number 1 and entering them via the comment section. My ship is not located on A-1 so @rentmoney will then type Miss under your entry. If you pick the right grid number I will then type hit under your comment and award you the prize located under that grid number.
Pay attention to the other entries to make sure you don't pick a grid number that was already chosen as there is no do overs in war !
What is @dustsweeper ?
A post or comment is considered to be dust if it has a value of less than $0.02. because anything less than $0.02 will not be paid out. So even if your comment is worth $0.019, at payout you will receive nothing. Zero, zilch, zip, nada, nothing!!
@dustsweeper will sweep upvote your comments on the 5th/6th day and upvote it above the $0.02 threshold so you get to collect all the rewards that were intended for you. This initiative was started by @davemccoy and @danielsaori
If you would like to hide a prize in the grid next week please contact me via the comment section or via the wallet function here on Steemit.