Small Batch Fresh Ricotta Cheese

I had an order a few weeks ago for a Stuffed Manicotti for Two...that's two stuffed manicotti shells per person; so, I only needed a small amount of Ricotta cheese, a half cup, to be exact! Being one to hate waste, I knew if I went out and bought the ricotta, I'd be wasting money and product, as I wouldn't have need for the leftover ricotta from the market!

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Hmmmm, and I did have a few cups of milk left, that were about to go out of date. The recipe I have starts with a gallon of milk...but, I don't have that much milk left, and I don't need that much ricotta! I just needed enough. So, algebra time, it was! Here's the Small Batch Ricotta Recipe! This will yield a half cup...just enough to mix with your mozzarella and Parmesan for a small pan of Manicotti!

Small Batch Ricotta
2 cups whole milk
2 tablespoons heavy cream
1.5 tablespoons white vinegar, the cheap stufff
1/8 tsp kosher salt

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Put your milk in a small saucepan. Add the salt. This really is simple!

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Whisk and heat over medium flame until the milk gets hot.

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When it hits at least 180 degrees farenheit, take it off the heat.

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Add the vinegar and stir in gently.

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Let this sit for a good 45 minutes to an hour for curd formation. Then pour through a cheesecloth lined strainer. The liquid, whey, will drain to the bottom. You can feed this to your chickens...I hear they love it!

Chef's Tip: If you don't have cheesecloth, a coffee filter will do!

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And there you have it! Seriously, creamier, silkier than the store bought...and more flavorful! This could be infused with herbs, if you wanted to...rosemary or thyme would be wonderful flavors to go here.

Give this a try, if you've got milk going out! So versatile! You will, truly, be amazed at the simplicity and at the huge difference in flavor! For me, it's time to check the's our Short Market Saturday, today. We don't have a ton of veggies, but we do still have our organic eggs, local honey, home made seasoning blends, breads, jams and preserves, artisanal cheeses and charcuterie, and a good supply of grass fed beef, lamb and free range chickens...and my candles. So, until next time, my friends, Steem on!

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