Relationship Tips #1 Know Your Partner's Love Language Here!

Ever been in a situation that you think you done a lot for your spouse or partner, and they still think they're not loved?

If you do, you're simply not speaking your partner's love language.

The reason I started this series ""Relationship Tips"" is not because I'm a relationship guru. I am in a newly-started relationship with my boyfriend and have discovered the concept of Love Language which has changed the way we express and accept love.

Seriously, it's because I want you to know this concept and bring it home to practice, to improve your relationship.

A good relationship creates a positive foundation in all areas of your life.

What is Love Language?

Is a way of a person speaks and accepts emotional love.

Why is knowing my partner's love language important?

So that you express your love in specific ways that your partner perceive as LOVE. The result is, your love relationship flourishes.

How do I know my partner's love language?

Take this quiz with your partner. Click Learn Your Love Language and start the quiz.

I am single, can I take the quiz?

Yes, of course. It is also crucial to know your own love language. It is part of self-awareness :)

How many love languages are there?

According to Gary Chapman, an author, speaker and counselor on relationship, there are 5 love languages.

  1. Words of Affirmation
  2. Quality Time
  3. Receiving Gifts
  4. Acts of Service
  5. Physical Touch

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I've taken the quiz and I know my own and my partner's love language. What do we do now?

You and your partner are at a good start. Treat your love language as native language. And your partner's as foreign language. To master a language, you need to learn the grammar, composition, etc. and practice, practice, practice! It is the same as mastering your partner's love language.

Background image by Pixabay

My partner has more than 1 love languages with the same score, what do I do?

It is normal to have more than 1 primary love language. In my case, my primary love language is Words of Affirmation scored at 8, and other love languages scored at 7 (except Reciving Gifts which is 2).
It's good news to have more than 1 love languages, more of your ideas in expressing love will work on your partner!

Why should I take this quiz?

If you want to improve your relationship with your partner, take it. It will change the way your relationship goes, in a good way.

This Relationship Tips series include practical how's and what's of speaking your partner's love language. If your partner's love language is Physical Touch and Quality Time, I will share firsthand experiences of what I've done and its results :)

Relationship Tips is one of my initiative to help people improve their relationship based on a book I was reading The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman and my experiences.

I believe having a good relationship will carve a positive path in all areas of your life. This belief is backed up by an 80 year-old research by Harvard University.

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