Elite Institutionalized Child Sex Abuse Is A Conspiracy Of Silence PT 2

Every Large Scale Case Of Pedophilia Has Been Shutdown Its A Conspiracy Of Silence:

To these elitist, children and even some adults are nothing more than sex toys for their "pleasure and entertainment" that's the cold sick reality. Which some are so sadistic they consider watching "snuff films" as a hobby as was revealed, during the Franklin Cover Up scandal by statements from former Nebraska Senator and attorney John DeCamp.

In that case victims Paul Bonnaci, Troy Boner and Alisha Owen stated they saw Hollywood entertainers and prominent people including politicians at sex parties. Adding that they were "procured to rich and powerful people" at these events.

The Franklin Vile scandal at first involved a boys home in Franklin Omaha, Nebraska being used for a trafficking operation connected into the Franklin Credit Union head at the time Larry King. But the case later expanded to include the elect of society as an international kidnapping ring was uncovered.

A shocking total of eighty different children came forward claiming to be involved in a large scale child kidnapping ring (Rolling X) to DeCamp. While only four of the victims and a photographer Rusty Nelson testified. All claimed that specific pedo ring had a reach deep into government and the upper echelons of society.

Bonnaci, Boner and Owens like many victims who come forward were ridiculed in the public despite court statements that Bonnaci specifically was found to be telling the truth ruled by a Judge. Which I was leaked last year, I included those documents in a larger data dump, which was timed for release on Christmas. (TWEET)

In that document dump I also included some of former FBI LA, head Ted L. Gunderon's case files that I was sent.

“Troy Boner was going to provide the information in open court, under oath, that would blow the lid off the Franklin case, and force a new trial for Alisha Owen another victim.…As Troy came into the courthouse, he was immediately ushered into a private room by county judicial authorities...the hearing was delayed for one hour.…Troy was in the room with a ‘Special Attorney,’ and with other officials from the prosecutor’s office--the very same prosecutorial team Troy was about to testify against.

“Troy leaned over and whispered to me, ‘Oh God, forgive me. They guaranteed if I talk here today, they will put me away for twenty years...told me I would be charged with perjury for my original testimony if I opened my mouth today in court….Look what they did to Alisha she was sent to prison--totally set up by the feds through a phony perjury charge….Look what they did to my brother (his brother Shawn was found dead after playing “Russian Roulette”.”)

In late 2003, Boner walked into a hospital in New Mexico, screaming out “they’re after me, they’re after me because of this book,” (The Franklin Cover-up) which he was waving in the air. After Boner was mildly sedated and calmed down, he was put in a private room for observation.When nurses came back to check on him early the next morning, he was sitting in a chair, bleeding from the mouth dead.

Former FBI Los Angeles Bureau Chief Ted L. Gunderson tried to get the autopsy and other details that were promised to him on Boner’s death, but it never happened. No news stories were published on Boner’s death, despite his notoriety in the Franklin case.

Bonacci once told investigators he toured the White House at midnight on July 3, 1988, with Craig Spence a lobbyist and political operative who arranged male prostitute visits to the White House. Spence turned up dead just three months after a June 29, 1989 Washington Times article was published, which exposed a call-boy operation that was run from within the Reagan-Bush White House.

In an August 9, 1989 edition of the Washington Times, Spence hinted that his White House prostitution operation was assisted by top-level people, naming Donald Gregg, national security adviser to Vice-President Bush. Spence, according to friends, was also carrying out homosexual blackmail operations for the CIA presumably The Finders known inside as (Operation Blackstone.)

We know that the CIA and KGB kept dossiers on Britain's VIP pedophiles did they also keep files on U.S. VIP pedophiles too?

Then there is the mysterious death of Alisha Owen's brother Aaron Owen hours before she was set to testify against her accusers and name names in an open court.

The deaths of Shawn and Troy Boner, Craig Spence and Alisha Owen's brother Aaron aren't the only people killed but they are most important mentions besides investigator Gary Caradori who had all the names. For a full list of those who were found dead including secretaries and more from a hosts of mysterious circumstances see this post.

Just as a pattern of repeat child abuse allegations probably proves a person is a pedophile, a pattern of deaths surrounding investigations into elite pedophilia probably means there is some running water under the bridge to these cases/scandals and that those scandals would have affected some politically powerful people and investigations had to be stopped.

Bonnaci later became a huge part of another investigation looking into the disappearance of Johnny Gosch when he accurately described a scar on the missing boy's chest to his mother Noreen Gosch. A scar that Noreen says Bonnaci couldn't have possibly known about unless he saw her boy.

He alleged the kidnapping group that stole poor Gosch from his neighborhood during his paper route was a cult headed by "satanist" Temple Of Set Founder Colonel Michael Aquino called "Rocking X."

Finally, he lead investigators to a farm that was "owned by the owner of the Omaha Herald" at the time, where he said that him and other children were tortured, branded with the infamous "Rocking X" symbol on their body using a cattle prod and kept hidden in a celler under the property. The house was in the middle of nowhere and looked something out of a scary movie, on the celler walls were carvings into the pillars counting down the days the children were trapped there.

A former NYPD investigator, stated to me in 2015, that what Bonnaci called "Rocking X" was actually known in investigative circles as "Rolling X" an international child trafficking and kidnapping operation. Which operated or still operates globally, in other words the group was in the radar of law enforcement according to the source.

He further stated that the group is ran by "generations of kidnapped children who kidnap new kids for elitist."

However, authorities lost the trail after Bonnaci publicly revealed where they were running the business as the people involved just seemingly "vanished."

DeCamp is said to have had the list of all the people who were alleged to be involved in the purchasing of snuff films and participation of child abuse, he has hinted at this in previous interviews. Something that he took with him to his grave when he recently passed away this last summer, RIP John DeCamp.

I tried to contact him over this past summer in hopes of getting information but was unsuccessful after calling his office being told he was "extremely sick and wouldn't take calls."

This information would have came out into the public light years ago, if not for the murder of investigator Gary Caradori and cover up by those who responded to the sabotaged crash of his plane making his suitcase with all the evidence vanish from the scene. Than the death of his informant Newt Copple a key activist fighting the cover-up of the Franklin case who died in his sleep mysteriously.

Maybe that is why and how all the copies of the documentary "Conspiracy Of Silence" were mysteriously bought up and suppressed from release in the 1980's before scheduled to air on TV only ever aired once and later leaked. Conspiracy of Silence was another documentary made to expose the establishment's problem with pedophilia.

In short, this practice of abuse and its subsequent cover-up has been going on for quite some time left to ferment further abuse passed from generation to generation since nothing has ever been done about it. It's all an ongoing cycle and this only happened in the late 1980's a mere 30 years ago some of these people are still around today.

Its not new for rich men and even some cases women to seek to abuse children, non Hollywood elites used to use care homes as the documentary film "Boys For Sale," documented. In addition to several cases that came out in the past few years in the UK into Kincora house, Elm Guest House, Dolphin Square, St. Helena and the Lambeth Town Hall basement were covered up and ignored to protect the establishment from embarrassment, just like other investigations.

In another more recent major outing of the pedophile culture, Scotland Yard obtained video evidence of a UK Politician “Murdering a Child in a bizarre ritual.” A Scotland Yard official said “these accusations are true” – and another 261 prominent people including politicians and TV stars are suspected of partaking in the horrific evil of child abuse/murder. Some have speculated the criminal ritual is used as a form of blackmail to compromise individuals – and that high level people are preventing prosecutions.

The U.K. probe known as Operation Midlands was shut down in March for “insignificant evidence” despite a quote from MP John Mann saying “that the victim total could be in the many tens of thousands.” The probe had video evidence, and several victim’s testimonies, including Alex Wheatle , Steven George , George Smith , Darren , Thomas , Nick , and several additional witnesses. The claims are backed up by retired Scotland yard detectives . Yet the probe was shut down, and at least 114 documents just vanished.

"They would purchase these large areas of land or buy old existing buildings and build foster homes, then run brothels of the young boys pimping them out to wealthy men," a private investigator stated. "If a victim were chosen from a foster home in many cases, they would murder the poor young child after using them up throwing them away like a piece of torn up meat."
This is exactly what many suspect Jerry Sandusky's Second Mile was a foster care home where the boys were abused by wealthy donors of the organization. And with recent revelations that Sandusky's son is also a pedophile it's extremely worrying how many young boys might have been abused at the charity homes since Sandusky senior met all of his victims through his organization. Sandusky was convicted in 2012 of 45 counts of child sexual abuse, and is serving 30 to 60 years in state prison, which he is appealing.

Multiple sources over the years have indicated that Sandusky may have supplied children to Hollywood types and the wealthy prominent elite including politicians just as Jeffrey Epstein did. It was just another ring that authorities have failed to fully investigate how deep the breadth of it all is.

In fact, the original lead prosecutor of the District Attorney Ray Gricar was found dead.

An anonymous source told the FBI in 2013 that Gricar had his “knee caps spun and throat slit,” and proceeded to show them where his body was buried. Gricar was informed about sexual abuse allegations against Penn. State Football Coach Sandusky in 1998, but decided not to press charges.

Another unknown man was questioned by the FBI one year prior in 2012 about Sandusky’s pedophile ring allegations, Radar Online—the gossip site that originally broke the scandal—reported.

As more collaboration former child prostitute Greg Bucceroni also alleged that Sandusky shared the boys with a larger pedophile ring in the tri-state area when he spoke out in 2012:

“(Between) 1977-1980 I was a child prostitute associated with a tri-state (NYC-NJ-PA) pedophile ring. (During the) summer of 1979 I was brought to the State College area by Ed Savitz for the purpose of child prostitution with Jerry Sandusky at a Second Mile fundraiser … Due to time constraints, Sandusky became unavailable and I was introduced to Phil Foglietta by Ed Savitz & Jerry Sandusky. Foglietta was introduced to us as Coach Phil who coached youth football in NYC. Foglietta agreed to pay $200.00 for child sex and followed us back to a Philadelphia hotel, myself (sic)ad another child prostitute then engaged coach Phil in child sex,” Bucceroni said in an email to Poly Prep, the Brooklyn private school who had a coach Phil Foglietta accused of being involved in the pedoring with Sandusky.
The source stated:
"Look at the donations flowing into the organization, follow the money, do you really think all these people cared about the cause they are donating to, helping children? Some certainly did, but all I am saying is research who some of these monstrous people are and see who gave large sums to Second Mile," a private investigator stated.
"In high up society this is seen as "normal" behavior, the elites operate on different laws than you and I do. Do you ever wonder why our FBI doesn't grill the former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, for the ring he was apart of seeking names of his associates and friends? They know it goes on and ignore it, yet agencies will kick in the doors of poor pedophiles indulging in their sick fantasies online while letting the elite pedophiles doing real physical harm walk," the private investigator added.
Former CIA chief William Colby who was found at the bottom of his lake once stated to John DeCamp that the problem was too big for him to even tackle telling him to "walk away if he didn't want problems." Adding "it goes all the way to the top and talk will get you killed."

There needs to be a "full-fledged investigation of higher up society for crimes against children the problem isn't just in Hollywood, it expands to Wall St, corporation executives, other governments, and organizations like the UN. While, those that do get caught receive a slap on the wrist for horrific crimes against children. Look at Jeffrey Epstein; no one has yet been able to explain to me, how a man who runs one of the largest trafficking operations since DynCorp is given a lite sentencing, where he is able to leave prison for work and return at night."

"It is unheard of there is no accountability for the people responsible for such nightmarish acts against children," the private investigator stated.
DYNCORP was found to have trafficked children, and continued to receive government contracts. Congresswoman Cynthia Mckinney once asked then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld why this corporation continues to receive funding.

Further information on DYNCORP’s trafficking of children can be found from a whistle-blower, Kathryn Bolkovac – a human rights investigator who saw UN officials, military and state department officials involved in human trafficking in Bosnia. Her story was then turned into another Hollywood movie called “The Whistleblower.”

DYNCORP's Disturbing History Of Continuous Child Trafficking:

The investigator previously provided me the following information on DYNCORP that is quite disturbing that this company even still exist and is receiving tax payers funds.

DYNCORP’s trafficking was mentioned in Hillary Clinton’s emails. DYNCORP has a long history of slavery and child trafficking starting first in 1999 in Bosnia – “Its employees were accused of rape and the buying and selling of girls as young as 12.” In 2005, the only brave mainstream outlet to ever bring this up, the Chicago Tribune, accused the government of covering up child trafficking.

Clinton is in favor of DYNCORP despite it’s years of known historical sexual abuse of kids and losing $1 billion dollars. She also covered up for the military giant. The Washington Post warned Clinton and said they had more negative information on DYNCORP and nothing ever came out. More recently DynCorp also got a pass on pimping out Afghan boys to cops revealed by Wikileaks.

The source is right as even fifty-two thousand employees in the Pentagon got a pass who were exposed purchasing child pornography in Project Flicker.

As well as another case under the State Department of Hillary Clinton which was exposed for allowing a diplomat diddle children. Which should have been the biggest diplomatic pedophile scandal in history. Instead the scandal was swept up under the rug and had minimal media attention until everyone forgot about it.

U.S. Ambassador to Belgium, Howard Gutman is alleged to have “slipped away from security detail to solicit sex from minor children.”

Clinton's Undersecretary of State for Management at the time Patrick Kennedy, was accused of killing an investigation into the U.S. Ambassador.

What's more at least seven agents in Clinton’s own security detail hired prostitutes while traveling with her in various countries, including Russia and Colombia according to a State Dept whistleblower.

A passage that was removed from a February 2013 report indicates that officials from the State Department's "7th Floor Group" shielded Ambassador Gutman from an investigation into the alleged pedophilia.

Then whistle-blowers began to emerge to tell the story about the diplomatic pedophilia cover up. What happens next is criminal and why this should have blown up.

The law office representing the whistle-blowers was broken into Watergate style with perpetrators stealing three computers Disobedient Media reported:

On June 29, 2013, the firm representing both Higbie and Fedenisn, Schulman & Mathias, was broken into multiple times. The entire incident was captured on camera and reported by the local Fox affiliate. The report states that after kicking the glass of the door in, the two burglars sawed a hole through the wall from an adjoining office and stole three computers, leaving behind other valuables. The firm was the only suite burglarized in the high-rise office building, while all other offices were left untouched.
That's not all one of the whistle-blowers Richard Higbie, a senior criminal investigator at the Bureau of Diplomatic Security had his email account hacked shortly before the break in and all of his emails pertaining to the State Dept were deleted.
The break-in came shortly after it was reported that Higbie’s email account had been hacked. According to Schulman, the hack targeted Higbie’s Gmail account and the perpetrators, deleted four years of emails, some detailing alleged wrongdoing at the State Department. As reported by the New York Post the deleted e-mails included evidence of misconduct by top officials at the department, communications with other potential whistleblowers there, correspondence with members of Congress who were investigating the allegations, and correspondence between Higbie and Schulman regarding legal strategy. Schulman, calling the hacking job “sophisticated” and the targeting of his client is “alarming”, noted, “Obviously, somebody is not happy with something he’s doing and wanted to get that information and also cause him an inability in the future to have ready access to that.”

History Of Elite Pedophilia In Hollywood PT 3


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