[EN] Fast, efficient and scalable – APAsia.Tech expanding/rebuilding BitShares Decentralized Currency Exchange (DEX) in Thailand

WHY? Because there’s always a better way!

BitShares platform (BTS) is truly great, with untold potential. Millions of dollars are trading daily on it. BitShares is being talked about online, nearly all positive. Yet it will only grow when the network exists for it to grow. There is a distinct lack of seed nodes, other nodes are down, or have high ping times and other issues. So, we thought the time to act, (from right here in Thailand no less) was as good as any.

Signup for a free bitshares account here

APAsia.Tech is a professional IT company dealing in managed hosting and web services, based in Thailand since 2014. So, what ended up happening amongst our combined posse? Some hungry, full stack developers and admins by day, got together and became crypto-passionate ambassadors by night. Like a skunkworks team, things came together around the APAsia.Tech campfire over beers and ribs. We already have the full stack development resources. We had blockchain projects live and others coming, as side-projects. Having already prototyped platforms and coins for months of trading –and frustrations –why not get involved in the decentralized business eco-system?

So we decided, APAsia.Tech will invest and pool resources into creating a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange (DEX) from Thailand, for Southeast Asia.

We are striving always to deliver the best in the long term. As such, this can become part of our growth journey. APAsia.Tech is a company that has always believed in building platforms for long term success, in a rapidly shifting technological future.

As of today, a master seed is open with a LifeTime paid up membership. All you have to do to join the ride is first register yourself an account with this link (free).

Tell me more about it

We are active traders, developers, IT specialists, and keeping a close eye on how technology is progressing for better solutions in the future. We are committed to blockchain technology for the long term, and creating open platforms that any entrepreneur or organization can utilize –when done through due procedures and certified polices. BitShares has been proven a ‘Clean Coin’ and is emerging as the go-to platform for releasing an ICO. Having become ourselves involved, we have now decided to do something for the BitShares community at large. We are going to run our own instance of the social network STEEM blockchain, and BitShares full node for Southeast Asia. Our node will be run with our hosting expertise, and we will be publishing all the details and follow along how-to guides, blog posts, and providing user support to grow and earn from sharing of transaction fees. As a full witness, we will grow more to develop also on the front-end world.

In the works are derivate/white label UI and apps for trading cryptocurrency on our DEX. (In a similar model such as previously by OpenLedger). Later to add automated support ticketing, local payment gateways, within our decentralized exchange and master node instance on the blockchain. Our aim is to finally open the doors for more entrepreneurs and businesses in Thailand and SEA, with decentralized technology enablement. Including for submitting, approving, and launching ICO tokens (user-issued assets), on our DEX, and available for trading. We have the means to bring blockchain technology to the startup and entrepreneur eco-system in Thailand and Southeast Asia. We are a Thai company that is 100% committed to bringing innovation, new technology, and smart digital solutions, aligned to “Thailand 4.0” policies for economic growth.

Imagine THB as a stable yet tradeable Cryptocurrency

BitShares is a decentralized exchange for Cryptocurrency, which has a unique advantage of something known as 'bitAssets'. These are type of digital token, or ‘SmartCoin’. They have values pegged and track their actual fiat currency counterpart value. This provides low cost trading and full protection from volatile price swings, whilst remaining liquid in local currency.

Along with our growth of the BitShares network, in due time and with backing we also have been readying the terms and process under which a bitTHB can be created on the bitshares network. We are discussing the gateway possibility with Thai banks, and they are welcome to contact us also. A Thai Baht smart coin would open new trading possibilities for Thai companies, in particular import/export to undertake business and transact in Bitcoin and easily convert to THB, instantly and at low fees.

Many thanks for reading this post and following our progress. We welcome your comments below or join our Discord chat server to ask any questions.

[Updated] Useful sources:

Keywords: bitshares, Thailand, dex, exchange, apasia.tech

[UPDATED] @xeroc - Please provide a contact for a discussion of potential collaboration.
[KR] https://steemit.com/kr/@apasia.tech/apasia-tech-dex
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