Russian Rabbit Hole: The Players and the Timeline


In my introductory post, 'Where the Russian Rabbit Hole Leads', I gave a quick overview of where this story began and how it ultimately played out through the election cycle.

After a few hours of research, I realized this is enough to be a series. But as my research continued, a realization dawned on me that has all but settled my opinion on this narrative.

The primary purpose of this is to lay out the main players in the story as well as a detailed timeline of significant events surrounding the story.

NOTE: There have been a number of further developments in the time it took me to compile this list of names and events. I will add more as appropriate. If anyone has further sourcing data to add, please comment below!

The Players

DNC / Democrat Party

  • Hillary Clinton: Democratic presidential candidate with a batch of emails published through WikiLeaks
  • John Podesta: Chairman for Hillary Clinton's campaign
  • Robert Mook: Campaign Manager for Hillary Clinton's campaign
  • Bernie Sanders: Democratic presidential candidate; beat by Hillary Clinton in primaries
  • Debbie Wasserman-Schultz: Democratic National Committee Chair; resigned after DNC emails leaked revealing bias towards Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders; supposed to remain impartial
  • Yared Tamene: Director of Information Technologies for DNC; received initial phone call from FBI about DNC servers being compromised
  • Amy Dacey: CEO of the DNC; resigned after DNC emails leaked

Trump Campaign

  • Donald Trump: Republican nominee for president; current US President
  • Roger Stone: Former campaign adivser for Candidate Trump; accused of having foreknowledge of Wikileaks releases through communications with Julian Assange; also accused of collusion with Russia via Guccifer 2.0; will testify in front of Congress
  • Paul Manafort: Former campaign manager for Candidate Trump; former business partners with Roger Stone;
  • Michael Flynn: Former Army General and National Security Advisor for President Trump; resigned after not providing complete disclosure of the complete details of a telephone conversation with a Russian ambassador while in the position of the acting National Security Advisor.


  • Shawn Henry: CEO of CrowdStrike; former FBI Executive Assistant Director with responsibility for all criminal and cyber programs.
  • Dmitri Alperovitch: Co-Founder and CTO of CrowdStrike; Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council think tank


  • Julian Assange: founder of WikiLeaks; currently beseiged in the Ecuadorian embassy in the United Kingdom
  • Shawn Lucas: Process server of the DNC Fraud lawsuit related to Clinton Bias on the 28th of June; found dead on 2nd of August in his apartment; death ruled an accident due to adverse effects of "fentanyl, cyclobenzaprine, and mitragynine"
  • John Jones: former lawyer of Julian Assange; died after being hit by train on 19th of April 2016; initial reports were suicide; later inquisition cast doubt on this

New York Times

  • Eric Lipton: New York Times journalist; main reporter behind the 'Russian Narrative' articles coming out of the New York Times


  • Seth Rich: former DNC staffer; DNC’s Voter Expansion Data Director since 2014; murdered 10th July 2016 in DC; police reffered to as a 'botched robbery'; no personal items were reported stolen; Julian Assange mentioned later by name and WikiLeaks offered $20k bounty for information leading to arrest of his murderer(s)
  • Special Agent Adrian Hawkins: reportedly the first FBI representative to contact the DNC in regards to DNC malware/hacks from Russia
  • Craig Murray: claims to have been the intermediary between DNC leaks source and WikiLeaks


Part three will consist of a hypothesis and supporting evidence based on the timeline source articles above

image via: politico

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