Poker Today is a community-centric content series that highlights news, upcoming events, and personalities within the Steem Poker community.

Poker Today was created to streamline current Steem Poker operations, increase awareness of Steem Poker to the entire Steemit platform and others, and raise support for ongoing community activities.
Run by @chiefmappster and @nicnas , the post payouts of Poker Today will go to achieving the three aforementioned goals. [THE: FRP]

Today marks the third issue of Poker Today
Topics discussed in this issue of Poker Today are:
information and results from this past week's events from the @spl , Steem Pro Poker League, and the Weekly Thursday Steem Poker Tourney
need programming help to automate payments between Steem blockchain and Poker Mavens
innovative idea by @tuck-fheman and @bigpchef of a Team Poker Competition
epic new shirt and table designs created by Steemians within the Steem Poker community
schedule and sign-up information about this week's events from the @spl , Steem Pro Poker League, and the Weekly Thursday Steem Poker Tourney
Future issues of Poker Today will also include interviews of Steem Poker personalities.
@guyfawkes4-20 is currently planning the first interview. Let us know which Steem Poker personality you would like to see interviewed :)

Three awesome Steem Poker community events took place this past week.
The third Steemit Poker Pro League Tourney was the first event played this past week by the Steem Poker community. Twenty-six (26) Steemians battled out a grueling Pro League competition.

@luj grinded out a victory over @bola winning 40 SBD for his efforts.
Check out more detailed analysis and coverage of the event here: @tuck-fheman/steem-poker-pro-league-100-sbd-7-11-results-are-in-congratulations-to
The next poker event taken place last week was the 100 SBD Steem Pro League Tourney. The @spl is the premiere Steem poker league that was founded by @tuck-fheman and @bigpchef and has paid out over 1700 SBD out to date to Steemians apart of the Steem Poker community.
They are the definition of leaders as they took this responsibility of starting and building a premiere Steem Poker league on themselves using their own time and resources to provide a place for Steemians to interact, build relationships, and play poker.

Forty-two (42) Steemians took part in this epic poker tourney hosted by the @spl . @writingamigo mastefully navigated through the tournament with superb, timely play edging out @lexiconical for the victory and 40 SBD.
Check out more coverage of the event with a write-up by @tuck-fheman here: @tuck-fheman/100-sbd-freeroll-poker-tournament-7-13-completed-results-are-in-steem-poker-league
The last event this past week played by the Steem Poker community was the Weekly Thursday Steem Poker Tourney hosted by @chiefmappster . This week's prize pool was supported in part from @guyfawkes4-20 as well. Thanks again @guyfawkes4-20.

Thirty (30) Steemians took part in the third Weekly Thursday Steem Poker Tourney hosted on the epic the home of the @spl and Steemit's premiere poker portal was an epic experience for all involved. There was a lot of action getting the last ten players down the money. @celsius100 ultimately ended up taking down the top prize by combining excellent play and timely calls to beat out @paulyaces76 and @lebekons for first place and win 15 SBD.
Sign-up for this upcoming weekly Thursday Steem Poker Tourney at

In an effort to streamline operations, the @spl is searching for a programmer who can help automate payments between the Steem blockchain and Poker Maven, 's poker platform provider.

By automating these payments, it will free up @tuck-fheman and @bigpchef to focus on community building activites and coming up with more epic ideas like the Steem Team Poker League.
More more information go here: @spl/need-coder-to-automate-payments-between-poker-maven-and-steem-blockchain

The third topic discussed in Issue #3 of Poker Today is an epic idea by @tuck-fheman and @bigpchef called the Steem Poker League: TEAM UP EDITION.

This is truly an innovative community team building activity that encourages teams of three Steemians to group up and enter into a Team Competition where each team is rewarded points based on participation and results of its team players. There are some epic team designs already created in anticipation of the beginning of this amazing Steem Poker community competition.

More more information go here: @tuck-fheman/coming-soon-steem-poker-league-team-up-edition and/or join the @spl and community on Discord here:

The Steem Poker communities' epic shirt and table designs created by Steemians apart of the poker community is the fourth topic discussed in this issue of Poker Today.
In effort to raise additional awareness and funds for the Steem Poker community, the @spl is selling merchandise including shirts, hats, and hoodies on their poker portal
Some Steemians like @fivefiveeleven are stepping up and creating multiple designs and donating them to the @spl .

Steemians like @fivefiveeleven is what makes the Steem Poker community so great. We have so many talented souls willing to give their time and effort to help build this poker community. Its absolutely an inspiration to see. Thanks again @fivefiveeleven and all the designers who help the @spl and related events maintain a professional image.
More of his designs go here: @fivefiveeleven/spl-redesign-projet

The fifth and final topic discussed in this issue of Poker Today is the schedule for this upcoming week's events.

Monday, July 17th at 2PM CDT / 7PM UTC is the Steemit Pro Poker League hosted on Pokerstars. The Pro League is currently filled up with fifty (50) players so if you would like to join let someone in the Poker Discord channel know.
Wednesday July 19th at 10AM CDT / 3PM UTC is the @spl 's league tourney. Register for the tournament at
Lastly, this Thursday July 20th at 1PM CDT / 6PM UTC is the Weekly Thursday Steem Poker Tourney. Register for the tournament at

This concludes Issue 3 of Poker Today. Stay tuned for Issue 4 in a few days.
Make sure to follow @spl, @tuck-fheman , @bigpchef , @chiefmappster, and @nicnas for information from some of the leaders of the Steem poker community.
All post proceeds go to streamlining current @spl operations, increasing awareness of the poker community to the whole Steemit platform and others, and support ongoing community activities.

Thank you as always for your time and attention.