Florida School Shooting Censored on Steemit- Blatant Censorship by @sneak on One of the Most Revealing Posts Ever on Steemit - Post with 850 Views

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Steemit member @sneak has censored the entire post linked below from the Steemit community. Every important image revealing important aspects of the Parkland school shooting event has been blatantly hidden by @sneak This post is possibly one of the most important posts related to government psyops ever shared at Steemit. I need help waking up the Steemit community to be aware of this blatant censorship about the Parkland school shooting event and try to turn it around by upvoting and making the images visible again. Over 50 important images have been hidden and censored by @sneak Steemit account. Everything in the post was public information. There is no excuse for this censorship which hurts the Steem block-chain community as a whole. It devalues the community and makes others consider that the Steem block chain is not a safe place to compile important posts that reveal possible criminality by government entities.

Please help up vote if you can. Any cryptocurrency derived from up votes to this post and the censored post will be transferred as a charitable gift from myself to @PatrickLancaster who conducts reporting and runs a family help charity in the breakaway regions of East Ukraine. This issue isn't about money. It is about blatant censorship. Please help out if you can and raise awareness to other Steemians.

Link to censored post featuring massive amount of images of student actors from Parkland Florida school now featured across the media.


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