Multiple Shooters Participated in Florida School Shooting According to Eyewitness Alexa Miednik

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Posted for Posterity (Historical Record) In case You Tube versions are deleted or made inaccessible from the public via algorithmic burying.

The posted video and the following statements came from Alexa Miednik who was interviewed by KHOU-TV reporter Matt Musil in regards to the Parkland, Florida school shooting on February 14, 2018.

Alexa Miednik told KHOU-TV journalist Matt Musil:" I actually was in the bathroom and I came back to my classroom and I knocked on the door and the fire alarm went off and the principal came on the speaker and just said 'everybody needs to evacuate right now,' so that’s what we did."

"Ah, as I was going down the stairs I heard a couple of shots fired, everybody was freaking out saying that it was a gun," explained Miednik.

"As we were walking, the whole class together, I actually was speaking to the suspect (she uses finger quotes at this point in the interview) Nikolas Cruz," said Miednik, as she made quotes with her fingers when saying 'suspect'.

"And as I was speaking to him he seemed very – I don’t know what the word I want to say is – but um....he was trouble in middle school so I kinda joked to him about it and said, 'I’m surprised you weren’t the one who did it.' And he just gave me a 'huh? So thats really what happneded. ’," Miednik said.

After this incredible account, Miednik went on to explain that she was absolutely sure there were multiple shooters.

"So, you were walking down the hall, he had already fired at that time?" asks the reporter. "

She replied: "Yes sir, with him".

He asks: "Weren't you scared?"

"Umm, in the moment I wasn't," replied Miednik. "because there was obviously...definitely another shooter involved."

"Oh, you think he was not the only one?" asks the surprised reporter.

"No, definitely not," replied Miednik.

"Why do you say that?" the reporter asked.

"Because when shots were fired, I saw him after the fact. So, the shots were coming from the other part of the building. So, there definitely had to be two shooters involved," she explained.

Reporter then states: "That's the first I've heard of that.....did you see any other students that were wounded"

Alex then states: "Em, no sir".

Link to You Tube version:

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