Mobile MiniGames: Play & Earn | News & Progress Report June 2023

I continue to play and grind my way up in the Mobile Blockchain NFT Play2Earn Game Mobile MiniGames while keeping up with the development. This might be my final monthly update for a while as I have a hard time to keep standing behind the overall approach from the team toward the game and the tokens...

Final Report & Rant!

Before I start somewhat of a rant, I do want to say that I still don't think there are any bad intentions from the team and I'm sure that they are working hard with one of the goals to still make the game into a success and have the tokens recover. The game itself is great with massive potential and the entire economy is actually really well-designed. The neglect toward the tokens and this entire move toward AI streams and creating AGI is currently leaving the game in a pretty dead state and there haven't been any big updates in a while. (aside from some general fixes and performance improvements)

PRPS (0.83$) & DUBI (1.56$) continue their trend down and the only thing that supports the price is both speculation and the fact that the tokens can still be used in the game at a way higher price. There is however nothing that indicates that the team cares about them or has any intentions to do what is needed to start supporting them to push the price back up as the only outlook is for there to be a jackpot sale of one of the other products they are building to bring back the 10$ buy-wall which pretty much would make everyone that invested get out as all the trust is broken by now.

There was a big survey from the core community some months back which was given a reply to but in the end, nothing changed or was done whatsoever aside from some small update posts on

I could write a really long post about all the things I'm highly disappointed in when it comes down to how things are being handled right now and a ton of suggestions on what can be done to get back on track but I'm just out of energy for it at this time knowing that it won't change anything anyway. As much as I like Athene and many of his views and ideas from the Real Talks, at this point the entire game and crypto has not been much different to all of the other scams and cash grabs in the crypto space with everyone that invested and believed in the project being left in the dust with only some promises toward the future.

Plans Going Forward!

Despite everything, I still am impressed by the game and see crazy potential in it in case the focus of Athene and the team would somehow go back to it. I don't think things will go to zero with the entire project being abandoned and if I wasn't invested already I would be happy to pick up quite some PRPS at current prices as I still believe in the intentions and value long-term. I don't see it going anywhere but further down in the near future and it will likely take a lot of time before actually something positive happens. Likely the next crypto bull market needs to run near the peak hype before they push the game wanting to capitalize on it.

So from here on out, I will just continue to play the game 10 minutes a day on low-effort mode and I will stop making content about it as it's just impossible to promote a game where the devs are going about it as they are now. I won't do any purchases whatsoever but I will keep compounding the earnings to export mainly exclusive skins in the hope one day things will take off which will allow me to take profit out. I also will continue to run my community in a similar way I have since that feature became available.

When it comes down to my PRPS Investment, I'm not planning to sell at current prices and I keep aiming to have a good batch locked each month for a year so in case things would recover I'm getting some solid passive monthly returns with an option to regularly dump some reducing my exposure.

PRPS & DUBI Update

Also nothing changed to PRPS and DUBI with the buy-wall now down for 10 straight monts with no hope for this to change anytime soon. PRPS and DUBI are still burned daily from deals that are being bought on

November 20216.31$8.61$+6.33%
December 20216.32$9.53$+6.33%
January 20227.65$10$+5.23%
February 20227.01$9.18$+5.70%
March 20229.53$10$+4.19%
April 20227.01$10$+5.70%
May 20226.59$10$+6.07%
June 20225.85$10$+6.84%
July 20224.81$10$+8.31%
August 20223.71$10$+10.08%
September 20222.70$7.78$+14.8% ***
October 20223.72$8.83$+10.75% ***
November 20221.70$3.48$+23.53% ***
December 20221.68$3.64$+23.81% ***
January 20231.16$2.45$+34.45% ***
February 20231.31$2.65$+30.53% ***
March 20230.99$1.98$+40.04% ***
April 20231.13$2.21$+35.4% ***
May 20231.01$1.78$+39.5% ***
June 20230.83$1.56$+48.19% ***

(*** Naively assuming 10$ DUBI Buy-Wall will be put up again as it has been down for 10 months now with the gap growing to a point where it's not realistic to come back anytime soon)

These are the Token Contracts

PRPS (Polygon): 0x972999c58BbcE63a2e398d4ED3Bde414b8349eB3
DUBI (Polygon): 0x950e1561B7A7dEB1A32A6419FD435410daf851B0

a full overview of on-chain activity can be found on

  • PRPS Level 270: 0.83$ [Last Month 1.01$]
  • DUBI Price: 1.56$ [Last Month 1.78$]

Personal Clash Of Streamers Game Progress

I reached Level 317 after nearly 800 days since the game was released with passive daily crypto earnings of 10571 and a ton of exclusive skins with many of them exported. Unfortunately the way things are going now it's all kind of worthless compared to the time and money put into it.

ProgressJan 2023Feb 2023Mar 2023Apr 2023May 2023June 2023
Account Level255268283299309317
Account Trust433M458M485M512M533M547M
VIP Level777777
Strongest Heroes18xL1120xL1122xL1125xL1126xL1128xL11
Strongest Pets17x Max Level18x Max Level19x Max Level21x Max Level22x Max Level23x Max Level
Gems Balance1.3B2.0B2.6B3.5B2.7B3.13B
Spellbook Heroes10000% (Max)10000% (Max)10000% (Max)10000% (Max)10000% (Max)10000% (Max)
Spellbook Pets10000% (Max)10000% (Max)10000% (Max)10000% (Max)10000% (Max)10000% (Max)
Crypton Saved67k36k27k43k137k79784
Sale Points Saved162239203267367284
Pet Luck+1899%+2014%+2111%+2152%+2180%+2205%
Campaign ProgressPrestige 79-1430Prestige 80-1446Prestige81-1476Prestige 84-1513Prestige 87-1569Prestige 88-1585
Community Members190212217207214215
Export Discount8.5%8.7%9.0%9.4%9.6%+9.8%
Total Money Put In3750€~4000€~4000€4050€4250€4250€
Exported NFT Pets171818181818
Exported NFT Heroes95100+100+100+100+100+
Exported NFT Skins0142440100+100+
Exclusive Skins500+500+500+500+500+500+
Account Crypton Value9.9M11M11.26M11.94M14.02M14.41M
Daily Passive Crypton69847705814484761041810571
Total Estimated Account Value1300€+1500€+1500€+1500€+1600€+1300€+


Mobile MiniGames and the way the development has gone away from if this past half year while there continues to be a total neglect toward the tokens has been a massive disappointment so far and I feel powerless as there is no outlook for any of it to change anytime soon. I still have some hope for a recovery and a first real adoption wave at some point but it all has been extremely frustrating to the point where I'm giving up on putting any more effort or money into it all.

Previous MoMi News & Progress Report Posts
May 2023
April 2023
March 2023
February 2023
January 2023
December 2022
November 2022
October 2022
September 2022
August 2022
July 2022
June 2022
May 2022
April 2022
March 2022
February 2022
January 2022
December 2021
November 2021

More Info & Guides For Mobile MiniGames (some things might be outdated already)

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