New Official Livestream Series: Blockchain & Bourbon

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Blockchain & Bourbon is a weekly livestream covering the latest and greatest in the world of cryptocurrency - hosted by the makers of The Creative Crypto Magazine.

Beginning the Broadcast

This past Sunday, our team at the @creativecrypto streamed the first full production of Blockchain & Bourbon with producer David Abelson, founder of Mob Rule News in New York City. We published the first pre-recorded version in the series last month to great reception and by teaming up with David, we’re looking to make this a top-notch production for the Steemit audience and beyond.


The ambition of this video series is to provide a higher-production broadcast that deals with all aspects of cryptocurrency that is accessible for various levels of blockchain experience. Particularly, our discussions will highlight access points for creative, artistic and entrepreneurial professionals. We want Blockchain & Bourbon to be more casual while still informative on the diverse aspects of the industry, all without the unnecessary shilling, financial analysis, or anything that causes gratuitous hype and misinformation. We’re more interested in the creative projects, characters, and stories that are emerging.

Each episode will be structured with either a roster of recent events, topics, prospects or companies in the blockchain world. We'll also be introducing interviews with various industry leaders in the crypto-space.

Blockchain & Bourbon Schedule

The current schedule for Blockchain & Bourbon will be Fridays at 4:00pm EST. Our next live broadcast will be Friday April 20th at 4:00pm EST. We’ll do simultaneous livestreams on our Facebook Page for The Creative Crypto, through DLive on @sndbox, and our Rize account @sndbox. The Rize app is only available on smartphones and is the first beta application for Younow and their new blockchain project PROPS. For our monthly full-production interviews, we’ll announce a specific time and location beforehand.


Last Recap

The last broadcast on Sunday, April 8, covered a range of recent events including application company Line announcing their integration with blockchain tech, John McAfee’s ICO endorsement costs, CoinMarketCap's denomination of Lambos instead of USD, and a special shout out to The Hardfork Series. You can watch the full uncut broadcast here on our Facebook page. This is the full unedited stream and we will release a polished version within a few days. Any and all feedback, criticism, suggestions, and ideas are more than welcome as we develop material for future episodes.


We want to extend a special thanks to Orlando, Weston, and Hannah for helping out with the first shoot! For more on David Abelson, our production partner, keep an eye out on Mob Rule -

David Abelson is a veteran producer and editor with over 20 years experience in the entertainment industry. Abelson has worked on documentaries, films, and shows for various companies (ABC News, Vice Media) that have appeared in festivals, nominated for Emmys, and seen by millions around the world. His current news project, Mob Rule, looks to bring the uncovered stories and personalities of the crypto world to a mass audience.

We look forward to your engagement with us on the next episode of Blockchain & Bourbon! We’ll be live again on Friday April 20th, so be sure to snag a bottle and prepare a glass for our next hangout.

The custom illustrations featured in this article were created by @zsolt.vidak

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