CES: Day Two

Friday was my second (and last, this year) day at CES 2017 in Las Vegas.

Industry professionals, news media, and celebrity invitees are the only visitors permitted to attend, but that's probably just as well. Unless you have a really high tolerance for massive crowds, you might not have fun here. Try rubbing elbows with almost 200,000 people sometime, and you'll see what I mean?

Here's a small sampling from Friday...

Las Vegas at Night....

Las Vegas at Night...
Photo courtesy of Paul Bergmeir and http://unsplash.com

Friday: Today at CES we toured the main Las Vegas Convention Center hall.

I'll once more share a few snapshots with associated captions and comments. In the future, look for a story or two about exhibits that blew my mind.

The CES Main Hall Crowd is Mind Boggling

The CES Main Hall Crowd is Mind Boggling - Original Photo

Another peek at the crowd,

once again reveals an unimaginably vast aggregation of people from all over the globe. The LVCC main hall holds the largest and most extravagant commercial displays.

Of course, everything in Las Vegas seems to be "over the top." For example, the 550-foot tall "High Roller" Ferris wheel on the Las Vegas Strip.

Everything in Vegas is "Over the Top"

Everything in Vegas is "Over the Top" - Original Photo

The "High Roller" Ferris wheel is quite a sight to behold, either day or night. I have not, as yet, had an opportunity to ride it. I imagine that being in one of the gondolas at the top would feed all of my flying fantasies.

The High Roller Ferris Wheel at Night

The High Roller Ferris Wheel at Night - Original Photo

Close to the entrance of the main hall is the LG pavillion. LG makes amazing Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) High Definition (HD) High Dynamic Range (HDR) television displays.

LG Hemi-Cylindrical OLED Video Room

LG Hemi-Cylindrical OLED Video Room - Original Photo

As you enter the exhibit, you can't miss a very large rectangular tunnel on the left. The roof is a half-cylinder overhead arch made entirely of OLED displays, all synchronized and presenting a short program (~ 2 minutes?) designed to "Wow" the crowd. It truly did!

Full-Sized Whales Swim By

Full-Sized Whales Swim By - Original Photo

Although the show was very short, it was jam-packed with visual treats. There were glowing jellyfish, apparently life-sized whales (Steemit whales, perhaps?), blazing stars, nebulae, and galaxies...

Floating Through The Universe

Floating Through The Universe - Original Photo

As we proceeded further into the exhibit, LG's top-of-the-line OLED television was on display, mounted on a vertical glass panel to emphasized its thinness...


Talk About Thin!
Now You See It...
Now You Don't!

I briefly saw, in person, a three-screen concept laptop that @sirwinchester wrote about here. It's called Project Valerie from Razer. Unfortunately, my photo came out very blurry - the prototype was in a glass case, and I think the glass threw my camera's focus off.

A Three-Screen Concept Laptop

A Three-Screen Concept Laptop - Original Photo

Although Valerie was interesting and somewhat appealing, my personal opinion is that fully immersive displays, i.e. Virtual Reality headsets will be my preferred choice for mobile computing in the future.

Some exhibits were outdoors.

Graffitti Painting Robot

Graffitti Painting Robot - Original Photo

For example, among other outdoor displays was this graffitti-painting robot.

Graffitti Painting Robot

Graffitti Painting Robot - Original Photo

The robot appeared to be painting a butterfly in a pointillist style. I think the gentleman in the pictures was making some adjustments and clearing the nozzles of some of the spray paint cans. Or, maybe he was getting ready to bust the robot for defacing public property? I'm not quite sure, as I didn't want to interrupt him to ask.

We also saw a variety of two-wheeled vehicles.

On Two Wheels at CES

A Slick Electric Scooter
Original Photo
A More Substantial Ride
Original Photo

This attractively styled electric scooter had an overall design and look that I admired. However, after sitting on it, I decided that it was a real "butt buster." There are limits to style, in my humble opinion. You can style all you want; just don't mess with my comfort zone!

It's time to end this post...

We've just scratched the surface; perhaps I'll select some snaps and post them in a day or two. Meanwhile, here's another lovely dancing Booth Babe for your viewing enjoyment:

A *Silk Dancer* Booth Babe


There always seems to be a wide variety of pleasant-to-watch "eye candy" at the show.

As an inventor, I visit CES for inspiration.

I really enjoy seeing and "kicking the tires" on new technology. I also enjoy talking to the designers and engineers who are on the front lines developing it. As a fabricator of useful products, I find that CES contacts are also quite useful at times when it comes to discovering sources for newer, better, and more cost-effective production materials. I'll probably keep going in coming years, God willing.

Thanks for your time and attention.

I'm here on Steemit because of you, my readers. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you!

This post is intended to count towards @dragosroua's Challenge30.

I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about all of them.
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