Real News Crazier Than Comic Books - Harvard Creates Bee Size Robot for Science and Team USA Creates Two Ton Robot for Fighting, Seriously

Never sick of the near daily dose of robot news that occurs, even on a weekend it is a two in one day just on Tech Insider.    If there wasn't a reveal this week of R2D2, I might have called these new little RoboBees the cutest robots ever.  They are still really cool to see and action and to know why they were made:

RoboBees are being made at Harvard's Wyss Institute. They can be used for environmental monitoring, search and rescue, and crop pollination.  

On a whole other side and size of the robot world, a Michael Bay dream is coming to life thanks to MegaBot Inc representing Team USA:

MegaBot Inc. has created the Eagle Prime, a MK3-class robot that is built to fight. Equipped with two pilots, the Eagle Prime will be going head to head against Team Japan in the Giant Robot Duel. 

Coming to a future near you, robots created that will be able to feel pain


 In Memory of Hair Salon Gangster #4 - NO PAYOUT POST

 Gizmodo - Sphero's Tiny R2-D2 is Bleepin' Awesome

 Real News Crazier than Comic Books - Robots Staff Hotel, Conduct Funerals, and Get Microsoft and Amazon to Play Nice, Seriously

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