Your Daily Crypto News on Steemit August 05, 2017

  • BTC-e Stock Exchange access to data center!
  • WannaCry ransom via!
  • Farmers discover blockchain technology!
  • All-time high: Bitcoin is cracking the $ 3,200 mark!




The digital currency trader BTC-e is said to have access to the data center again. However, the Fiat currencies are still under the control of the law enforcement authorities.

In a Russian statement published on BitcoinTalk, BTC-e informed the public that the data should be analyzed and provided further information within 10 days.

Click the link below to see the published statement on BitcoinTalk:


The assets of the Fiat holdings, on the other hand, remain in the hands of the financial services provider Mayzus Financial Services and out of reach of BTC-e, according to a customer support spokesman.

This week, Sergey Mayzus, owner of the Mayzus Financial Services Ltd. umbrella organization, Also OKPAY and MoneyPolo, to sue the developer platform GitHub for various statements published on the website. On the platform, a group of BTC-e customers will be joined and may have accused Mayzus of working with BTC-e. Mayzus should have asked Github in vain to delete the statements.

Click the link below to see the published statements on GitHub:

Since the closing of the trading platform in July, the users have hitherto waited for an opinion on the part of the exchange. Earlier updates left many questions open, in particular the payment of Bitcoin and Altcoin stocks.



In times of total networking, bank bursts of a more effective kind of criminal money supply: Ransomware. WannaCry is such a Ransomware, which has used monthly vulnerabilities on computers worldwide to encrypt drives against the will of its users. The players behind WannaCry now wanted to secure their prey.


The devastating incidents with the WannaCry-Ransomware. Countless computers worldwide were infected, the attackers initially demanded a ransom in Bitcoin, later also in the (almost) anonymous digital currency Monero. With the ransom you should get the key, which could decrypt the affected drive again. Security experts advised that some of these encryption could be solved in some other way.

Even computers of the British Ministry of Health were affected, the extent would not yet be fully aware of the general public. 300,000 computers in over 150 countries were victims of this attack. The frequency of these Ransomware attacks is increasing.

The address with the booty goods on the bitcoin blockchain is known. On Wednesday, a Twitter bot reported that the payout had started from the hacker address. Over the Swiss change service the hackers tried to exchange their captured bitcoins in Monero. The first payout amounted to about 7.34 Bitcoin, which currently amounts to just over 20,000 US dollars. Monero's market capital currently stands at 650 million US dollars, with an XMR token being currently priced at US $ 43.


But the supposed escape in Monero seemed to the hackers easier than imagined. The team behind ShapeShift announced on Wednesday that the deal would violate the terms of use of


According to there own information, ShapeShift is now cooperating with law enforcement agencies.


Meanwhile, the rescuer was arrested by the police during the WannaCry attack, Marcus Hutchins. The Englishman stopped disseminating the WannaCry Ransomware by finding an Internet address in the code of the software and promptly registered it. The software always asked if the page existed. After the page was registered, the software got a positive feedback, which worked like an emergency stop button.

The British IT expert Hutchins was now arrested - not because of WannaCry. He is said to have worked on another malicious software called Kronos. This turned infected PCs into fake Internet pages that looked exactly like their originals. These were banking portals, so the victims unknowingly entered their usage data on the wrong website. Another developer was arrested next to Hutchins and charged with the development, as well as spread, of Kronos in the Darknet.



Several larger farms are trying to optimize supply chain management and reporting processes using blockchain technology.

For example, Australia's largest cereal producer, the CBH Group, has entered into a cooperation agreement with the Startup AgriDigital to track the origin and quality of cereals through a blockchain solution, as The Australian Financial Review has reported. The additional data, which can be viewed by potential buyers, is intended to increase the confidence in the buyer and thus increase the sales figures.

The blockchain project is to be tested next week for oat flakes. If the project is successful, the applications should also be extended to all other branches and / or product lines, according to Andy Crane, board member at CBH.

In particular, the processes connected with the harvesting process are to be optimized. Specifically, management, payment processes and insurance services are to be managed. After all, there are already block-based insurance companies that are able to take action when crop-related damage occurs as a result of weather conditions. Accordingly, the potential of such processes via smart contracts is correspondingly great.



The price per bitcoin has exceeded the 3,200 US dollar mark for the first time, marking a new all-time high!

The rapid price rise began in the early morning hours when the price surpassed the $ 2,900 mark for the first time. Only an hour later the price per bitcoin (BTC) then reached the 3,000 US dollar. Later, the all-time high reached 3,212.87 US dollars. The price has fallen slightly since then and currently stands at 3,128 USD (2,643 euros).


According to coinmarketcap data, the market capitalization of Bitcoin currently amounts to 51.4 billion US dollars, which is about 43.7 billion euros.


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