Your Daily Crypto News on Steemit August 07, 2017

  • Bitcoin Global Summit in China!
  • Floyd Mayweather ICO made 30 million USD!
  • 150 new BTC ATMs in Ukraine!
  • Média TFO protecting copyright with Blockchain!




On September 10, the leaders of crypto currencies and blockchain companies around the world will make their way to Beijing. There will be the "Shape the Future", a global summit meeting on the subject of blockchain and bitcoin. The special feature of the meeting: the first broadcast of the documentary "Bitcoin: Shape the Future". The film will be closer to the development of bitcoins in China.

More than 20 managing directors of mining companies and Bitcoin exchanges were interviewed for the film. Among other things, representatives of the following companies talked about China's role in the development of the crypt currency:


More than 1,000 guests, including press representatives, are expected to attend the premiere. BitKan, a highly regarded bitcoin company in China, is the organizer of the event and also had the idea for the documentation.

Sandy Liang, director of operations at BitKan, was ready to comment on the film's development. "In February 2017, one of our board members, Fanny Yu, said that there is currently so much in the Bitcoin community and that many people would be interested in it, but there is still a lot of knowledge," she says. She explained further:


Co-founder of BitKan Fanny Yu was behind the project right from the start, because she was sure that her company was capable of producing such a film:


Click on the link below to see more information on the summit and the sale of the tickets:



The token sale, which the boxing champion Floyd Mayweather a few weeks ago applied in a post, has already brought in the company 30 million US dollar.

The startup Stox opened the sale yesterday and has, as the data from Etherscan prove, up to the present time around 134,000 ETH received.

The ICO received a lot of media attention through the advertising Mayweathers, as the boxer posted an image on his Instagram page and wrote:


It was strange, however, that Mayweather as a US citizen could not access the site for the sale. Neither the boxer himself nor a press clerk approached this problem or the background for advertising the project.

Even if the sale is still possible, as within the next two weeks an upper limit of 148,000 ETH is striven, the company now wrote on Twitter that they had already reached their real goal of 30 million US dollars.

Click on the link below to see the tweet:

"Please do not send ETH any more," the news said, but the company later clarified that sales were still possible until reaching the upper limit of 148,000 ETHs.

Although the company's website does not include the number of buyers, the Stox team explained that 2,500 people had bought coins within the first six hours.



The Ukrainian stock exchange for digital currencies Kuna and the Kuna Bitcoin Agency founder Michael Chobanian said that 150 Bitcoin ATMs will be installed in the country later this year. 30 of the machines are to be put into operation by the end of the summer in the capital Kiev.

According to Chobanian, the company has decided to take the step because of the high demand:


The Bitcoin machines will receive a payout function and support Bitcoin as well as other crypto-currencies such as ethers, waves and golf. You can buy the digital currencies in the official national currency Hryvnia.

According to Chobanian, the purchase of digital currencies requires no identification at the machine. Even for commissioning, unlike in most other countries, no special license is needed.

According to CoinATMRadar, only one Bitcoin ATM is currently in operation in Ukraine. This was installed at the end of April in the south of the country in Odessa.

Click on the link below to see all BTC ATMs in the world:



A Canadian company from the media production industry, working closely with the Ontario government, now wants to protect the copyright of audiovisual content using the blockchain technology.

Groupe Média TFO, which has been teaching and producing cultural films since the 1970s, has now announced that it is working on a prototype. This is to save existing copyrights. The purpose of storage is to make it clearer who is to be compensated in the event of a copyright infringement or paid for a license.

The prototype is called Blockchain TFO. The project is also the first of its kind in Canada, which would use the blockchain technology to pay licenses. Through the new platform, broadcasters, producers and owners of the right of increased property ownership are connected and could handle business more quickly.

The project is financially supported by Canadian media support. Media funding is funded by the federal government in Canada and the cable broadcasting industry.

Glenn O'Farrell, Chief Executive Officer and CEO of Groupe Média said in a statement:


The company wants to produce the prototype in cooperation with the producers and companies from the cable industry. For this, the media group invited other companies from the industry to report to them, if there is interest in the project.

Click on the link below to see the announcement from Groupe Média TFO:


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