Fox News' Murdoch Benefiting Over Oil Exploration In Syria

Fox news is one of the most Valuable brands in the world, said to be worth about $11.2 billion.

It's owned and was created by Robert Murdoch, and nowadays it averages about 2 million primetime viewers. The company has for quite some time, received allegations of providing extremely biased reporting and people have for decades said that the channel shamelessly supports and promotes the Republican party; though the company has denied that there is any bias in their reporting.

Spreading Fear And Hatred

Fox news is well known for its perpetual fear-mongering, funneling impeccable efforts towards fostering division and strengthening support for the state as the solution; more force is always needed. There is never enough military spending, never enough war, and don't even think about ever questioning the actions of an individual in any sort of position of authority. Some might call this blatant propaganda, while millions of others still look at it as informed journalism.

During the ongoing conflict in Syria overseas, we have been able to count on the Fox news media reporting to unquestionably support the military endeavors. Maybe that is because those who work there and those who own the multi-billion dollar corporation really are just concerned about the safety for you and I and our loved ones.

There are interesting reports which demonstrate that like many things, they could be pushing an agenda to fuel an opportunity to reap some very lucrative financial rewards. Previous news reports have alleged that the owner of Fox, Murdoch himself, has been granted controversial oil exploration rights in Syria (along with Lord Jacob Rothschild).

Israel was allegedly the one to grant those exploration rights to them and they refer to the occupied Golan Heights territory (see image above) of Syria. Specifically receiving the rights is going to be Genie Energy which is a New Jersey-based company that Robert Murdoch is a major shareholder of. Critics have said that exploiting the minerals in these occupied territories is in violation to international law under the Geneva convention.

The reason that it violates international law is because they received the permits for their drilling from Israel and not from Syria.

The company looking to get into the oil and gas scene in that region, also has Dick Cheney as an adviser, former ex-CIA director James Woolsey is also an investor in Genie Oil. This specific region that they have been given the rights to explore, was seized by Israel back in 1967 during the Six Day War. The territory was later annexed in 1981 and has since been occupied by Israel; that occupation is also said to be in violation of international law.

Just a couple of years ago, a huge oil discovery was announced in the region and it's reported that Israel has already set-up efforts there to extract the resources. It is also reported that there is the potential to produce billions of barrels of oil. Chief geologist for Afek Oil has previously asserted that the strata for this project is about 350 meters thick, compared to an average in the world usually seen which is about 20-30 meters; this would mean that those reserves are 10x what is usually found/seen.

Afek Oil & Gas is a subsidiary of Genie Energy.

Israeli officials have called on the international community to reconsider their views on the situation when it comes to reaping the resources in that area, seemingly asking them to support their continued efforts for the oil exploration and prolonged annexation of the Golan Heights region.

Just a couple of years ago, Murdoch had to step down as CEO from Fox after a phone-hacking scandal went viral, along with other allegations of controversial business practices. It was alleged that his news corporation engaged in rampant law-breaking. Though he is still the controlling shareholder of the company, but he passed off the reins of control to others. However, critics argue that he obviously wouldn't step back from influencing and controlling the subject matter that his media groups put out to the world.

Much of the content that Fox news produces, seeks to fortify collectives, rather than promote understanding, peace, and voluntary co-operation.

Just recently it was also reported that they hosted a fake Swedish security advisor on (see link below). The O’Reilly Factor had a guest on the show, named Nils Bildt and he said that he was a defense and national security advisor in Sweden. According to news reports from Sweden, the Swedish Defense Ministry has said that no one by that name works for them. Awkward.

The content that Fox news produces seems to clearly go a long way with the public, to garner support for continued expansion of the US military around the world, to perpetuate an enemy. Terrorism is bad we all know this, and Fox news has been telling us this for years now, but haven't they learned yet that the current foreign policy of the US isn't working? That it is actually making things worse? If they are truly concerned for our safety then they ought to know that insisting that people offer unquestionable and blind support for those who rule over them, those in positions of authority etc, doesn't seem to promote their well-being either.

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