Thousands Expected To Protest For Upcoming Fukushima Anniversary

The Fukushima anniversary is coming up on March 11th and it's expected that some 200,000+ anti-nuclear protesters are going to engage in a series of marches across Japan. Even though the disaster took place many years ago, we are still dealing with the effects today and authorities are still scrambling to clean-up and contain the mess 6+ years later.

Marches are expected to be held in a number of places, like Taipei, Taitung, and others. One concern that has been made clear is that a number of activist leaders from a variety of anti-nuclear groups have demanded that regulations be established before the Taiwan Power Company finalizes the decision on where it will store nuclear waste.

Many of the protesters are concerned about the consequences that can come when mistakes are made in the area of nuclear energy. We have seen it devastate not only the community but the environment as well, and that is why a number of people hope to see authorities opt for more renewable energy technology.

Following the Fukushima disaster, tens of thousands of people have marched in Japan calling for the government to abandon nuclear power projects for alternatives.

At least 3 different investigations so far have taken place that sought to investigate the Fukushima disaster, and they came to the conclusion to point the finger of blame at a network of alleged corruption and collusion. Several former officials have been fired over the matter and some of them indicted as well.

VOA News


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