Mandatory Death Penalty in all Societies - Anarchism societies included - Here is why ... (Updated Today 8-21-16)

Today my middle-aged heart was completely shattered by a 5-year-old little girl. Not because of anything she did, but what was done to her, her family and her community of support.

Earlier today I received a text for an amber alert for a little sandy blonde haired, brown eyed little girl who was abducted from her own home by a family friend who was staying the night at their home.

Below is the information given to the public with the Amber Alert.

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — An AMBER ALERT was issued Saturday after Ertl was possibly taken from her Watkins home by Anderson, a family friend.
The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension says Zachary Todd Anderson, 26, may have taken Alayna Jeanne Ertl from her home sometime Saturday morning.
Anderson was staying overnight at Ertl’s house. The girl’s mother says she put her daughter to sleep at about 2 a.m. and discovered she and Anderson were gone at 8 a.m.
Anderson may have taken Ertl and stole her father’s white, 2002 GMC Sierra truck with license plate number 107 KMT.
Police tracked the father’s cell phone, which was in the stolen truck, to Todd County, about 90 minutes from Watkins around 9 a.m. Saturday.
The suspect was described as a white man who stands 5-feet-10-inches tall, weighs about 200 pounds and has dark hair and a short, shaggy beard. He was last seen wearing a black T-shirt with a drawing of a rat with a mug of beer. The shirt reads “Riverside Tavern, Forest City, MN. Home Of The River Rats.”
Ertl was described as a white girl who is approximately 3 feet tall, weighs 45 pounds and has shoulder-length sandy blond hair.
Police would like to talk with anyone who saw Ertl, Anderson or the vehicle.

Too Close to Home

As I sat there reading the text I looked at my 2 young children and I felt an intense urge to help find this little girl. I grew up only a few miles from the little town where this little girl and her family lives, although I don't know them personally I do know people who do. And most importantly I knew if that was one of my 2 children I would hope someone would help and try to find my little one.

I jumped in my truck and headed towards the location of the last ping, I drove around aimlessly in hopes and prayer I come by the vehicle and more importantly the little girl safe. I drove hundreds of miles today and was within only a few miles of where the suspect and child where eventually found tonight.

Sadly ...

Authorities have found the body of a 5-year-old girl who was reported missing Saturday.

Authorities said Alayna Ertl’s body was located in Cass County. The man suspected of taking her, Zachary Anderson, has been arrested.

I felt defeated, shattered, completely broken in sadness. I didn't know this little girl, but I know what it feels like to love his children like a father does.

At the time of posting this, there is no known motive or any details of what was done to this innocent soul. No known criminal record by the suspect and obviously the little girl did nothing that would deserve death. At the very least we can hope the suspect gives up a motive so the family can have some basic answers of why, even if the answer is he is completely cucu for coco puffs (which I assume he is regardless.)

I use to be against the death penalty ....​

Prior to tonight I never felt that we rational healthy minded humans should be given the authority to decide if a person lives or dies. Tonight, my mind has been changed by this innocent little girls tragedy. Why should this individual (suspect) be given the choice to continue living, when he decided that another human shouldn't continue with life.

Some Advantages Of The Death Penalty

not all inclusive obviously

  • Any person who has committed a severe crime such as killing another person should be given the death penalty, to match the severity of the crime. If a severe punishment is handed down it has the possibility to discourage others in society to do the same crime. If losing your own life in the act of your crime it is possible that a somewhat reasonable person will think twice about committing a serious crime such as murder.

  • Simply jailing a criminal who commits a serious crime such as murder doesn't give society security and safety from the criminal from repeating the same offense. The death penalty ensures societies safety from possible similar acts by the individual. It seems a reasonable to assume an "eye for an eye" in severe crimes such as murder.

  • Relieving law abiding tax paying citizens of the burden of housing the criminal for the duration of the person's life. In a liberal state such as where this crime above took place, taxpayers are burdened with paying for inmates for a life of some would consider luxury in prison. Things like cable TV and the internet, a free education, a workout facility to name a few.

  • Often times families of the victims only closure are what some consider an act of revenge by death. The system should put much more weight into the families of the victim than those of the perpetrator.

Some Disadvantages Of The Death Penalty

not all inclusive obviously

  • Some believe using the Death Penalty makes "us" as a society no better than the criminal, as we are committing the same act as they did.

  • The question of just and fair can be used as an argument. Some parts of society do not have the same access to what others might have. An example would be people living in the inner city may have less financial resources for the due process stage.

  • Some believe rehabilitation should be first and foremost. There are cases out there of people who have committed severe crimes turn their lives around and be productive law abiding citizens after rehabilitation.

  • The possibility an individual might actually be innocent (no court system is perfect) and there is no way to undo a death once it is followed through if it is later found the death sentence to be in error and the person is innocent.

  • There doesn't actually seem to be supporting evidence that the death penalty actually does affect the crime rate.

  • The most important question is probably is it moral for us to "judge" a person to death or should that be left to a "higher power." Do we really have the moral right to decide the fate of another human?

Tonight my stance on the death penalty has changed. I firmly believe that all societies should have a form of the death penalty for instance like this. We law abiding tax paying citizens shouldn't be burdened by someone who has obviously dismissed laws, rules and morality of society.

I end this post feeling a great deal of sadness, especially for the family of this little girl, but I am also pissed off that we actually house individuals like this who don't deserve it.

Disclaimer: At the time of posting this, the individual has not been formally​ charged or convicted of a crime, at the time of writing this it is speculation and still under investigation.

Update: Charges of First Degree Premediated Murder and Kidnapping have been charged now.

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