RE: RE: Stealth, Ledger Nano S, BlockPay, graphenej, Smartcoins Wallet... Weekly Report
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RE: Stealth, Ledger Nano S, BlockPay, graphenej, Smartcoins Wallet... Weekly Report

RE: Stealth, Ledger Nano S, BlockPay, graphenej, Smartcoins Wallet... Weekly Report

Hmmm... Didn't know that was origin of ca. Good it's open source, so it's in YOUR hands to vet the code and insure it's safe and doing what it should.

The other thing is there's more to blockstream than the tech as I mentioned. Tech is just a tool, can be used for good or evil. The intentions of the humans that wield the tool are what I'm suspect of. Look at what those major investors in blockstream have done in the past, and don't assume they care about personal liberty.

With all the rhetoric it's difficult to find the truth. "They" have had centuries of practice hiding their plans and agenda from the public. Here is one article with some facts about patents I found to be quite enlightening concerning Maxwell's position: Here is the core post of his on reddit concerning ct and ca:

The larger reddit thread is worth a read. Unfortunately the very tech you're hoping will be useful for bts stealth is where Maxwell admits they have 2 patents. The controversey is due to a red herring deflection by blockstream's Maxwell saying they don't have patents on segwit, diverting attention from ca & ct. Moreover, it shows blockstream's willingness to involve patents.

You are well versed in the implications of IP for disruptive crypto tech. It was the primary core of the hostile takeover attempt by "you know who". Don't allow it to get a foothold via blockstream patents either.

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