You have your email leaks, now South Africa has theirs.

As you may be aware the South African president is under increasing scrutiny and pressure to resign due to allegations of involvement in state capture by an influential family of businessmen, labeled "the Guptas".

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Last week-end a couple of emails emerged in the press, alleged as Gupta originals, that have leaked to the press.

These demonstrate very close ties to the Presidents family, some Cabinet Ministers and the alleged shadow government.

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Here is a short video of some of the quotes from the Gupta emails.

It now appears that the trove of leaked emails is in the region of 100 000 to 200 000...

and will be released to journalists once secured offshore.

"Today Scorpio, the Daily Maverick’s newly launched investigative unit, and amaBhungane, the independent investigative non-profit, start publishing stories from a much, much wider trove: a few hundred gigabytes of information containing between 100 000 and 200 000 unique e-mails and a host of other documents,"

So far there are supposedly letters to the UAE royal family requesting residency for when the President finishes his term of office. The heat is getting so unbearable that these plans would appear to be for a back door escape route should things go amiss.

In the emails, so far, are also correspondence to a PR firm to run a fake news campaign to discredit detractors.

It really is a huge unfolding of a long drawn out saga and now documented evidence to allegations appears to have been leaked.

You can catch all the juicy details of government corruption, fake news, international meddling, ruling party manipulation, cronyism and the like, as it unfolds in this special report.

But the long and the short of it seems to be, "don't mess with the guys in IT".

I would suspect that this was not a hacking but some internal IT person leaked the email servers contents. If you are up to funny business you should always keep the IT guys and gals happy as a top priority.

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