Looks like World War 3 coming for us All ! What are You doing to Stop this Evil that wills the Destruction of Everything ?


So it seems that we are on the brink of World War 3 !! How did we get here ??

Maybe because all of these illegal wars started in the Middle East after this self inflicted wound which was 911 which apparently gave the West the right to go into sovereign nations and depose the leaders and kill the population ??

Maybe its also because of Israel and Saudi Arabia , incidentally the prime suspects in the murder of thousands of Americans in that fateful day in New York ! With their desire to extend their borders and destroy their neighbours !

Maybe also since the West entered the Ukraine and started their proxy civil war using waring fractions to destablise the country to the point where it could be used as a vasal state for the West against their "bogey man " Russia ??

Maybe with escalations in the South China Sea with North Korea, Japan and China of course ??

One thing for sure, with all of our governments here in the West now firmly in the hands of a criminally insane group of secretive murdering colluders against decency and reason we do not have much hope of keeping this bus in which we are all seated but clearly not driving from heading to the cliff just round the corner !

How do we that see convince the "Sheeple" that dont to stand up and say STOP ?? Your guess is as good as mine !

One thing is for sure, I for one am tired of trying and seeing that really nobody seems to give a damn that our whole world could be blown to bits by these lunatics controlling the asylum !

Hell even the Simpsons seem to know the writing on the wall ! So wy dont we all ??

I am tired of watching the stupid get more stupid and the dumb dumber ! Either wake up and start fighting this Evil or just lie down and Die and get out of the way ! Its your choice I guess ! I know what I am doing ! Do You ? Time to decide as time indeed is running out !


Published on 6 Apr 2018

Putin Final Warning to US And NATO Before World War 3

Published on 5 Apr 2018

WW3: Simpson's predicting WW3

Published on 1 Feb 2018


Your thoughts and reactions to my post, as ever much appreciated in the comment section below !



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