As BitCoin Soars Back to 2900$ USD, Non Premium Cryptos Are Rocketing?!? What Are You're Thoughts As To Why?


Anyone who has been following Bitcoin has seen the price ping pong for the last four or five days from around 1910 u.s. dollars all the way to today's high of about 2900 with no end in sight. As markets in Korea, China and Europe all seem to be having a similar thoughts for what the price of Bitcoin should be across all exchanges, leaves me thinking with my experience as a Trader that a $4,000 plus bitcoin price tag is a lot closer than most people think. As speculation for the August first Fork with respect to bitcoin draws to an end it appears as though at least today the market is pushing forward as the price continues to climb even at this moment.

I also find it remarkable that in light of how fast Bitcoin is rising that there are still cryptocurrency markets that have some good action considering all the prime alternative currency markets have taken a pretty big hit today with STR and ETH taking pretty significant losses as STEEM held very well and if it wasn't for the fact Bitcoin is rising so quickly in price it would be a lot more obvious to Traders that today cryptos got tossed around.

What are your thoughts for the sudden BTC rocket ship ride? I would love to hear your feedback as to what you think is driving today's current bitcoin rage.

(I just updated the post so the price reflects 2900 rather than2790 USD which the price was when I wrote post not too long ago)

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