What is IOTA ?? IOTA is Ranked no.6 on Coin Market cap.


At 9:00 am Eastern Standard Time, cryptocurrency exchange Bitfinex officially launched the IOTA token, IOT. Tradable in IOT/USD and IOT/BTC pairs, tokens for use with the IOTA network are now publicly accessible through the Bitfinex website. This launch represents a milestone for IOTA as they expand their user base.yesteday when i was checking coin marcket cap I've a new economy movement there.IOTA tokens is on number 6 and that cam out from nowhere the reason behind that yesterday bitfinex added IOTA tokens for trading IOT/BTC and IOT/USD and iota pumped up alot.


as you can see IOTA is on number 6.\

now we need to know what is IOTA ?

let,s get started,,,


IOTA is an innovative new distributed ledger technology to function as the backbone of the Internet of Things.
Born in 2014, it is the only technology of its kind that is able to function as the lightweight distributed ledger with scalability, quantum resistance and decentralization for all IoT devices.

IOTA was created as a far related derivation of the blockchain technology but is far more advanced and is already recognized in the innovation-press like Forbes, Techcrunch, International Business Times and Huffington Post.


IOTA has no mining, no blocks, no difficulty, no transaction fees.

and that is what I know about IOTA .

want to know more: http://www.tangleblog.com/what-is-iota-what-is-the-tangle/

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