A Stranger in Argentina

Argentina is the Latin American country with more inmigrantes.Un study by the Organization of the United Nations states that 5% of the population living in Argentina is foreign, ie, nearly two million people. Globally, Argentina ranks 29th in the number of immigrants in its territory.
In my country we house Italian, Spanish, English, Korean, Japanese, Chileans, Uruguayans, Brazilians, Paraguayans, Bolivians, Colombians, Mexicans, Greeks, Poles, Armenians, Russians, Ukrainians and other groups.
In my family we are descendants of Italian and Spanish, but according to the Argentine territory are other lineages (Hindus with other foreign blood).
Due to the latitudinal amplitude and its variety of landscapes, Argentina has a wide variety of climates. The climate is temperate, although it extends to a tropical climate in the extreme north and subpolar in the far south (if you include Antarctica Argentina also includes polar weather). The north is characterized by very hot, humid summers and mild, dry winters and is subject to periodic droughts. The center of the country has warm summers with rains and storms, and cool winters. The southern regions have warm summers and cold winters with heavy snowfall, especially in mountainous areas.

More outstanding meals, Locro and Asado

Sweet desserts Mamon, Dulce de Leche.

Your Music Tango, Chamame, folklore, Carnavalito

His Fauna Yaguareté, capybara, El Dorado, El Yacare

the National Flower El Ceibo.

His drink mate and Fernet
Finally I want to share with you what we think of foreign vivendo in Argentina

Jose Luis Fernandez
Corrientes Argentina

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