Mitigation of Climate Changes with Biochar

Mitigation of Climate Changes with Biochar

Human population is getting larger and larger. Currently, there are 7,5 billion people and that number is expected to rise on 9 billion in 2050. Human population grows too fast to feed, even with advanced technology and modern cultivars and hybrids. Additional challenges are provided by climates changes which complicated using of natural resources. Climate change is a natural process that can be accelerated by anthropogenic activities which imitate greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases (GHGs) are the main cause of climates changes because they can absorb and re-imitate sun's radiation within an infrared spectrum. With this mechanic, they "keep" sun radiation within Earth's atmosphere, and thereby increasing temperature.

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About biochar

Different research all around the world confirms that biochar has the ability to sequestrate carbon and reduce emissions of other GHGs. Biochar is a stable carbonate material, with a porous structure and good absorbing properties. Not only that biochar will reduce GHGs and mitigate climate changes, but he got the ability to increase soil fertility. By application of biochar in the soil, we will increase physical, chemical and biological soil's properties.

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Production of biochar

Biochar is made by pyrolysis of waste biomass. Conditions in pyrolysis and type of feedstock will affect his final properties. This allows us to made specific biochar for a specific type of soil. Example: feedstock with a lot of minerals, like it's wood, will give for alkaline biochar (pH > 10), therefore he will more suit an acidic soil (pH <5). In the other hand, we can use feedstock with fewer minerals in alkaline soils. When used for soil remediation, it's recommended to use biochar with more minerals because minerals are plants nutrients. And so on... There's is commercially available mobile units for pyrolysis that is suited for use in smaller farms.

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Despite a large number of research, many aspects of biochar application still remain unknown, thus opening space for new research that would trigger massive biochar application. Only with massive biochar application we can mitigate climate change and cover our problem with bad soils. We must have a global collaboration.

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