***UPCOMING SHOW ANNOUNCEMENT*** VJ LIVE! Ep. 36: This Morning's DPRK Missile Launch (Is North Korea really a threat? Details about the alert this morning here in Japan, and thoughts on the media coverage)

The public emergency alert I received early this morning, notifying me that a North Korean missile was incoming, and to take cover.

Was awakened by my phone's emergency alert system this morning telling me a missile from North Korea was incoming.

According to the media, the missile proceeded to pass over Hokkaido, broke into three pieces, and fell into the Pacific ocean when it ran out of fuel.

Who knows what the real story is, or whether this is a stunt intended to foment some sort of military intervention such as allegedly occurred with the Gulf of Tonkin incident, prior to large scale military "intervention" in the Vietnam War.


We know for a fact via THE NORTHWOODS DOCUMENTS that the state plans these sort of things.

Personally, I am more worried about what is going on behind the scenes (likely globalist plans to orchestrate some sort of disaster, in my opinion) than I am about North Korea itself.

The ensuing media shitstorm was laughable and, as usual, largely useless as far as receiving information is concerned.

I'll be talking about all these things in detail LIVE TONIGHT at 10:30 PM JST, from the Voluntary Japan Facebook page

Be sure to chime in on the LIVE CHAT!

See you tonight!



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

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