Chris4210 where are you?

@Chris4210 where are you?

Today, my claws come out. I invested my entire life savings into those BLOCKPAY tokens because you promised us that we would get to “share in the rewards from BlockPay transactions as well as value increases from products built by the Company”.
My life savings:
Your promise:
(more promises found on reddit, facebook, twitter, linkedin and more)

The past couple weeks, Development has come to a crawl Chris, this is very damaging as my Developers and I have no idea where the money is. I heard you were starting another company with xeroc and some shark named constantin. Is that true? I even got word that you had my company formally Appraised? Is that true?

I have still not been paid my salary, my bills are past due now, my babies are hungry and you know I sure as hell can’t afford a lawyer to track you down. Barely 2 weeks ago you emailed me and said “Current reserves are around 540 BTC + 25k Euro on Bank account”. Really?

If that is true, then where is all that money?! I see you have been recently taking out hundreds of thousands of dollars, where did all that money go?!

How the hell are we going to be able to continue launching crypto products with no money Chris? A Bitshares Worker Proposal? Your investors never agreed to that!

You agreed (multiple ways) that you would stop trying to take charge of my Developers and Rodrigo’s marketing team too. I guess you fail to remember him yelling at you and hanging up on you?? Even emailing you and telling you to stop it. Obviously that contract has also been breached. My Developers said that you contacted them and stated that you are in charge now and I am leaving my own company? Is that true?!

You agreed (in person with your lawyer/father, and via email) that if more than $2000 was to be expensed that you would get my permission first! Where is the money?!

Your investors deserve to know what I am building, every single week, at a minimum. People love it when I post my weekly technical reports and I will not stop writing them and posting them online to show off what we’re building (including links to our github commits). Apparently, because of this, a couple weeks ago your excuse was “you leave us with no choice but to stop all sales and marketing activities immediately” as if my reports were somehow damaging my own company. You’re kidding, right? If you quit, then why did you start flying around the world on a “BlockPay World Tour”? 1,095 Bitcoins wasn’t enough for you? Now I find out that you are hiding out somewhere in China with your girlfriend. WTF?!
Our commits:
1,095 Bitcoins:

There are currently 762 of us who have trusted you!!!! I’ll be damned if you’re going to steal all of the STEALTH tokens I bought for my company too.
STEALTH tokens:

Attempts to contact you and settle this matter by email, SMS and Telegram have failed. Hopefully this steemit post reaches you. You have left me no choice but to contact the Authorities.

Chris, I was building crypto products before I even met you and refuse to let you destroy my company like this. I gave you 49% of BitShares Munich so that you would pay the bills, and get out there and start marketing the products that I built and continue to build (well, not as of late, obviously).

Going public with this is the right thing to do, as transparency is required Chris! Of course this may damage the value of our BLOCKPAY tokens for a bit, but you have left me no choice. As you are well aware, I have always fought for my rights and I will do so once again. As an activist, I assure you I will not stop until you honor the contracts you have made with us, let us see your accounting, pay all of our invoices, answer my questions above, and settle this with me immediately. Since you Follow my blog here on, we all know you have been notified. Just as before, I will also send you this notice via email, SMS and Telegram.

More posts to come. Stay tuned, this may get bumpy.

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