Re-introducing "Carbon" - the 1st mobile wallet to support eReceipts, NFC, Loyalty Points, SIX-chains...

Got crypto?

If you've been following the hostile takeover attempt of my company BitShares Munich IVS, then you know that one of [you-know-who's] other slanderous attacks was to try and say that I was violating a copyright by using an alleged famous person's face in the demo video we created of the new Carbon wallet design. In the new wallet, there is a Contacts screen where we tastefully put a bunch of faces to demonstrate how that screen looks, how the UX reacts to swipes and taps, etc. Anyway, I pulled the original video from that post, made a new video for you and have displayed it below.

So, it's Tuesday, I said I was gonna give you a treat today, a taste of one of the other products we have been working on. The Smartcoins Wallet 2.0 (codenamed Carbon) UI/UX is 95% complete (I am never completely satisfied with my work of course, always adding stuff), and is now being exported to flat files so that all the animation can be turned into actual code (for Android of course, but iOS/Swift is coming too).

Oh by the way, I have designed the wallet in a way to where it can be easily white-labeled as well, so if you want a mobile wallet for your chain, just let me know (

TONS of features packed into "Carbon" such as full support for:

  • all BlockPay merchants,
  • fully-confirmed transactions in 3 seconds or less,
  • 44 (human corrected) languages,
  • NFC and v10 QR codes (for eReceipt data, note from your Waitress, etc),
  • near-zero fees,
  • Overdraft Protection (example: it can cash out some of another one of your coins to cover your grocery balance),
  • Loyalty Points,
  • invoicing/payment request features,
  • unlimited accounts,
  • built-in Bridge for coin-to-coin shifting,
  • search/filter Transaction history,
  • Transaction Memos,
  • Export Transactions to PDF or CSV for accounting,
  • WIF Key support,
  • Yubikey Neo "Pocket" support for added 2FA/U2F security,
  • FIDO Certified (in progress),
  • dApp performance (uses C-IPFS ( for app architecture, and "offline" data usage. also, no more App Store "approval" is needed),
  • customizable Contacts and Contact Groups,
  • Bill-Pay tool for scheduling recurring payments to one or more Contacts or Contact Groups,
  • automated/encrypted backups to C-IPFS,
  • PIN/Pattern/Pocket Security options (see the video),
  • eReceipts (actual store receipts saved in pdf form, with the store logo, items purchased, tax info, personalized message from the merchant, etc),
  • 100% Open Source Software ( for security auditing and forking,
  • and native support for 6 different blockchains (Bitshares, Steem, Dash (including InstantSend), Bitcoin, Dogecoin (we might replace this chain though), and Litecoin).

The current Smartcoins Wallet on google play (and my github) has many of these features already, but this new UI/UX should help organize things a bit better for the non crypto-savvy folks. In other words, as "Grandma-friendly" as possible :) --shout out to my Grandma!


Well, I hope you like it so far!

I'll be posting some other treats for you in the coming days too, so if you Follow me here you'll be the first to get the news.

Thank you again for all your Steemy support! :)

Peace, Love, and Agorism,

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