India, Venezuela now.. Australia wants to phase out 100$ bills and more good news listed! Bitcoin to the moon?

As i have already wrote when BTC was at 730 USD trading in India due to limiting cash usage price went to 1000 USD.

Vanezuela which also has problems went for banning some cash notes too. If you want read about how BTC is actually saving lives in this country with their free electricity HERE.

Third country planning to do it is Australia.

The Turnbull government is to consider a ban on the $100 note and a crackdown on all but small cash payments as part of an assault on the cash economy to be unveiled in Monday's mid-year budget update.

Since long time we also can hear about Sweden who wants to totally ban cash.

If all this things will happen current BTC price which is already in all time high since 2013 bubble will go trough the roof.

Keep in mind there is more good news for BTC today:

  • Kraken acquired Glidera wallet funding service
  • OpenBazaar Raised $3 Million funding
  • Yuan failed so China is buying more BTC
  • Georgia wants to store real estate documents on a blockchain
  • Russian politician Alexei Navalny will accept donations in BTC for 2018 presidential campaign

Follow @kingscrown for 0day cryptocurrency news and tips.

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