Media Ignores Largest Gathering In Human History - 20 Million Muslims Who March Against ISIS

How can a story so big and so relevant to the world not get covered by the mainstream media? If ISIS is such a threat to world peace as our media posits ad nauseum, wouldn't it make sense to report on an event where Muslims stand in solidarity against such threats?

According to an article by Sandy Sullivan writing for Ahead Of The News, one of the largest organized marches in the history of the world recently took place where tens of millions of Shia Muslims traveled through war-stricken areas to defy ISIS.

Nothing To Report Here. Move Along

I did a quick search on CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and other mainstream media outlets to see if they covered the story and they all stood in mute solidarity. The only media that seems to be talking about it is The Independent and it only glanced at the event with faded interest.

Never mind that it is the largest gathering of human beings in recorded history. That would be a big enough story in itself to make headlines but the fact that it is Muslims standing against our sworn enemy should have the presses running overtime. But no, they will talk about the Miley Cyrus benefit concert for the victims of Manchester and the latest car bombing.

There is no doubt in my mind that our media is bought and paid for and have an agenda that this story would run counter to.

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According to the Independent:

Organizers of the annual Arbaeen procession in U.K. have previously spoken of their frustration over the lack of mainstream media coverage of the event.

“Unfortunately [some] media outlets have gone for stories that to some extent can be divisive. If a group of Muslims does something good, it’s not mentioned or the religion is not mentioned. But if someone does something [negative], it is on the front page and their religion is mentioned,” Mohammed Al-Sharifi, a volunteer at last year’s event told the Independent.

And he is right.

Many of the stories on Muslims in the U.S. that make it on to the mainstream are those that stoke divide. When a Muslim hero saves hundreds of lives by jumping on a bomb which actually happened in July the mainstream and the Islamophobic alternative media is mum.

Those who would judge 1.6 billion people by the actions of just a few are creating a narrative in which innocent lives are put in danger.

Throughout history, most mainstream religions have perpetuated extreme violence upon the world. To attempt to paint Islam as the problem is no better than labeling all Catholics murders for the inquisition.

But peace and empathy are enemies to the establishment who need you to hate others. When the establishment can paint things as black and white, it is easier for you to be controlled. Consequently, this is the exact mission of ISIS.

As the Free Thought Project’s Jay Syrmopolous points out, if there is one thing that Islamic fundamentalists and Islamophobic fascists agree on, it’s that there should be no “gray zone;” only black and white. credit

Where is the "fair and balanced" reporting when we need it? How can something so important to bringing peace among people of different nations and religions be ignored like this? Why are we not supporting these peace loving people and instead painting them one color with the stroke of a brush?

This pisses me off to no end and it should piss you off too. What are your thoughts?

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