Catalonia will declare independence if the referendum is not allowed

The Catalonian govt has been planning a draft law behind closed to doors which would execute an independence order in a matter of 48 hours which in case the Spanish central government decides to disallow a regional referendum asking the following question.

Would you like Catalonia to be an independent state outside of Spain?

Mainstream newspapers and television are already busy making this secret plan look like some sort of coup from what I have been reading this morning. 


Catalonia is pushing ahead more slowly than expected with its independence plan as separatist leaders change tactics and avoid direct confrontation with Madrid in their bid to break away from Spain.

After winning a parliamentary majority in a regional election in Catalonia in September, the pro-independence parties vowed to implement an 18-month roadmap for independence from Spain by 2017.The plan calls for the regional government to create basic laws, a tax system and state structure for the wealthy, industrialised northeastern region whose capital Barcelona is a major tourist draw.But Catalonia has so far done little to implement the plan, to the relief of national political parties and the central government in Madrid which are gearing up for a repeat general election on June 26th.The polls - the second in just six months  come after bickering parties failed to reach an agreement on a coalition government following inconclusive elections in December that left Spain in political limbo with a caretaker government with limited powers."The separatists who thought a quick and unilateral solution was possible are realising that this is not the case. This is why they are looking for an interlocutor to talk to," said Miquel Iceta, head of the Socialists' Catalan faction which opposes independence.Catalan separatists have restarted their talks with acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy's conservative government, which had been practically non-existent.

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What has happened in Catalonia?

When Catalan nationalists held an unofficial poll in November 2014, 80% of those who voted backed independence.The vote was non-binding as the Constitutional Court had ruled it illegal. But the secessionists viewed it as a defining moment and declared regional elections in September 2015 would be a de facto referendum on independence.Catalan nationalist parties won an absolute majority in the 135-seat regional assembly and on 9 November pushed through a motion to start the process towards independence.The Spanish government has hit back, declaring the secessionist step unconstitutional. 

source bbc:

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My opinion : I think there should be a referendum allowed on a regional level, most Spanish people here have a strange attitude towards this process. They argue that for a such a vote to take place the entire country would have to participate, I tend to disagree what is your opinion on this matter?

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