Canadian Baby Issued genderless ID, Could Be The First!

So we've got a first in Canada folks…a genderless baby! What? "So the baby has no sex organs?" you ask. Well, not exactly my friend. Apparently, [Kori Doty, Searyl’s parent, decided to keep the baby’s gender off of all government records until Searyl is "old enough to develop their own gender identity," Doty said in a statement issued by the Gender Free I.D. Coalition, a group that advocates for genderless government documents in Canada.]

Yeahhh…….so is it just meeeeee??! Or does this whole thing stink like a giant PR move to further push an agenda!? I really don't get the genderless movement either. What's wrong with male & female? Since when do we have to fight over our differences where back in the day…we used to embrace them? This is not a rant over homosexuality I mean honestly, I don't give one or two shits at all. I've worked with gay people, I've had no problems over the years so do whatever your heart desires. It really doesn't make a difference in my life at all. I'm just sayin..this whole genderless thing, is just absolutely creepy. Target getting rid of boy & girl sections for toys? Like why can't we let the child decide for themselves if they feel more like the other sex? Why are we putting this ambiguity on a child and then asking them to decide? Seems a bit ridiculous to me.

I don't know what do you guys think?


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